
Henry James Audio & Video

Henry James, hailed as a master of American literary realism, was born in New York City on April 15, 1843. Following in the footsteps of his intellectual father, James published his first short story at age 21. He would go on to pen many fictional novels, biographies, travel books, works of criticism, and even plays.

After traveling throughout Europe, James ultimately decided to settle in England in 1876. This inspired him to write his later works about his unique views on the interaction between Americans and Europeans. To hear a novel about the downfall of a young American girl thrust into European society, you should listen to The Portrait of a Lady on audio download.

James was also notable for being a strong advocate of making novels as true to everyday life and human mentality as possible. To hear a spooky work of nineteenth century psychological realism, you should download The Turn of the Screw. If you would rather hear an enjoyable novella about the quintessential American girl listen to his audio book Daisy Miller.

After suffering a stroke, Henry James ultimately died at age 72 and his ashes are now at Cambridge, Massachusetts. He left behind a legacy of classic works which you can now listen to and enjoy.

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by Henry James
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Listen to Henry James' classic Victorian ghost story of a governess and the children she cares for as the deal with the mysterious spirits of their estate.

by Henry James
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Daisy Miller is an 1878 novella by Henry James. It portrays the confused courtship of the eponymous American girl by Winterbourne, a compatriot of hers with much more sophistication.

by Henry James
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The Portrait of a Lady is a novel by Henry James, first published as a serial in The Atlantic Monthly and Macmillan's Magazine in 1880-1881 and then as a book in 1881.

by Henry James
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Henry James considered The Ambassadors his best, or perhaps his best-wrought, novel. It plays on the great Jamesian theme of the American abroad, who finds himself in an older, and some would say richer, culture that that of the United States, with its attractions and dangers.

by Henry James
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Fanny Knocker is a very, very plain young woman. She is introduced to the extremely handsome, thoroughly impoverished, younger son of an old family. What will transpire?

by Henry James
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Maisie is an innocent six year-old, torn between her divorced parents, pathetically isolated yet tragically involved....

by Henry James
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Eugenia, an American expatriate brought up in Europe, arrives in New England with her charming brother Felix, hoping to find a wealthy second husband....

by Henry James
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The story concerns the contemplated sale of a famous painting by a proud but relatively cash-strapped British aristocrat to a wealthy American art collector who is bent on buying up treasured masterpieces from the Old World…

by Henry James
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An American heiress newly arrived in Europe, Isabel Archer does not look to a man to furnish her with her destiny; instead she desires, with grace and courage, to find it herself.

by Henry James
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The Golden Bowl is a 1904 novel by Henry James. Set in England, this complex, intense study of marriage and adultery completes what some critics have called the "major phase" of James' career.

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