Prayer & Meditation Podcasts
Featured Prayer & Meditation Podcasts
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32 Titles
by Dan Harris
In this podcast he interviews practicing meditators, Buddhist thinkers, neuroscientists, and other people concerned with making life a little happier.
by Gil Fronsdal
Zencast has been offering Zen Buddhism teachings on podcast for many years now and the great thing is they've kept all their podcasts up on their feed so each of them can still be downloaded.
by Deepak Chopra
What makes us conscious beings and why does it matter that we are? In his first ever podcast, Deepak Chopra welcomes a far-ranging group of guests...
by Meditation Society Australia
The Meditation Society of Australia provides this series of podcasts featuring several guided meditations. These well-directed meditations focus on a specific subject matter and are accompanied by music.
by Stin Hansen
The first guided meditation in a series of regular podcasts by Stin. Daily use will invite stillness, joy and abundance to your life. Stressed? Wanting more? Put on your headphones.
by Mary Meckley
A Library of Meditations at Your Finger Tips: Join meditation coach, Mary Meckley, for daily meditation inspiration as she answers your questions and guides you on the journey of establishing a daily meditation ritual.
by Father Roderick Vonhogen
With this podcast, you can turn any portable mediaplayer into a 'Praystation Portable'. When you subscribe to the feed, you'll be able to download a daily morning and evening prayer that you can take with you on the road.
by Dharmachakra
Welcome to Free Buddhist Audio from, a new, free service for anyone interested in Buddhism and meditation in the modern world.
by Meditation Society Australia
A children's meditation course with a discussion topic and a variety of guided meditations for youths and the entire family.
by Dave Farmar
Baptiste Power Vinyasa Yoga classes taught by Dave Farmar.
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