Mental Health Podcasts
Featured Mental Health Podcasts
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31 Titles
by David D. Burns
The Feeling Good Podcast is a new podcast from Dr. David D. Burns, author of the bestselling book Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy which has sold over 5 million copies in the U.S. since it was published in 1980.
All In The Mind is Radio National's weekly foray into the mental universe, the mind, brain and behaviour - everything from addiction to artificial intelligence.
by Dan Harris
In this podcast he interviews practicing meditators, Buddhist thinkers, neuroscientists, and other people concerned with making life a little happier.
by Daniel G. Amen
The Brain Warrior's Way Podcast is hosted by bestselling author Dr. Daniel Amen and his wife Tana Amen as they guide you on practices to improve your brain health.
by Ellen Hendriksen
In this weekly podcast Dr. Ellen Hendriksen provides practical advice on how to take on life's challenges with evidence-based research.
by David Puder
Join David Puder as he covers different topics on psychiatry and psychotherapy. He will draw from the wisdom of his mentors, research, in-session therapy and psychiatry experience, and his own journey through mental health to discuss topics that affect mental health professionals and popsychology enthusiasts alike.
by Aziz Gazipura
Everyone has some level of fear in social situations. For you it might be meeting someone new, networking, dating, sales conversations, presenting, public speaking, or business meetings.
by Gabe Howard
The Psych Central Show is a weekly podcast that offers a candid, interesting, and in-depth look into all things mental health and psychology.
by Paul Colaianni
If you suffer from relationship problems, stress, and depression, but have not been able to solve your woes by simply "thinking positively", personal growth coach Paul Colaianni has created his Overwhelmed Brain podcast with you in mind.
by Paul Gilmartin
The Mental Illness Happy Hour is a weekly conversation between a guest and comedian/host Paul Gilmartin, focusing on the battles we have in our heads and the damage we feel.
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