Comparative Religion Podcasts
Featured Comparative Religion Podcasts
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by Alan Watts
The latest incarnation of the Alan Watts Podcast is called Alan Watts: Being in the Way and it features Alan's son, Mark Watts giving a brief introduction before diving into one of Alan Watts' famous talks.
by Jordan Peterson
This podcast is a collection of interviews & lectures, some of which are recorded specifically for this podcast, and some that are from his university courses, public lectures, documentary interviews, and YouTube videos from his channel...
by Melvyn Bragg
Discussion of religious movements and the theories and individuals behind them.
by Joseph Campbell
An official podcast of the Joseph Campbell Foundation and the MythMaker Podcast Network that unearths little-heard talks from Joseph Campbell and examines their context and meaning. Hosted by Brad Olson, PhD.
by Marshall Poe
Interviews with Scholars of Religion about their New Books.
Expand your understanding of the ways religion shapes the world with lectures, interviews, and reflections from Harvard Divinity School.
A look at the ethical and religious issues of the week.
Interfaith Voices is the nation's only public radio show exclusively about religion. We were born just three days after 9/11, when a feisty nun got the idea to host a multi-faith panel on religion and terrorism, live on the radio.
Multifaithful is a podcast about the impact of religious diversity on our religious and spiritual identities.
The Templeton Ideas Podcast is a show about the most awe-inspiring ideas in our world and the people who investigate them.
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