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Real Radio Podcast by Jack Hibbs

Real Radio Podcast

Monday thru Friday

by Jack Hibbs

Title Details

Running Time
25 Mins.
User Rating
  5.0  Stars Based on 1 rating


Welcome to Real Radio and on behalf of all those who make this program possible, I would like to thank you for visiting with us.

You don’t need me to tell you that we’re living in some very exciting days. There are great opportunities ahead to grow and to do good. This is why we need to know what the Bible has to say like never before!

It is our desire at Real Radio, to encourage you each day, to point you to the Word of God, the Bible, in a real and practical way. We seek to bring to you a contemporary, powerful, no-nonsense presentation of what the Bible has to say to this generation.

It is my belief that what God does, He does in Technicolor™, and that is anything but boring. Think about it, God made all that there is around us. Since He made the great stars above, down to the smallest atom, then wouldn’t it seem right that He has kept for us His Word, the Bible? Shouldn’t it be jam-packed with things just as exciting and perhaps even more incredibly awe-inspiring?

Yes, we’re excited about what God has done, but we’re even more excited about what God is about to do. The Lord is using Real Radio to deliver a straightforward presentation of His word that has found its way into the hearts and minds of those willing to hear. Perhaps that’s why the listener response to Real Radio has been so encouraging and positive.

Refreshingly, you don’t even have to be a Christian to listen to Real Radio. We are glad to know that there are listeners of our program throughout the Middle East and many Muslim countries as well. We have also had a great response from those in Europe and even from sailors at sea, who listen in, via the short-wave radio network.

I believe that Jesus is coming back soon and that we need to get His message out to a hurting and needy world. I would like to ask something of you. Would you please invite a friend to listen to Real Radio? Would you help us, help them, hear God’s Word, and learn of His grace and mercy? Perhaps they may never make it to a church service, but they can turn on their radio, and the next time they do, we want them to tune in to Real Radio - radio that matters!

Until the whole world hears,

Pastor Jack

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