
Ancient & Medieval Philosophy Podcasts

Featured Ancient & Medieval Philosophy Podcasts

Practical Stoicism Podcast

Practical Stoicism Podcast
by Tanner Campbell

The Daily Stoic Podcast

The Daily Stoic Podcast
by Ryan Holiday

Philosophy by the Book Podcast

Philosophy by the Book Podcast
by Connor Clerkin

Philosophy Audiobooks Podcast

Philosophy Audiobooks Podcast
by Geoffrey Edwards

Philosophize This Podcast

Philosophize This Podcast
by Stephen West

LearnOutLoud Podcasts

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by Plato

The Republic by Plato is one of the most influential works of philosophy in history. In the form of Socratic dialogue, Plato's teacher and protagonist Socrates sets out to find an answer to the question: "What is justice?".

by Nigel Warburton

In this podcast, British author Nigel Warburton reads from his book Philosophy: The Classics (now in its 3rd edition). The book examines and summarizes 27 classic works of philosophy.

by Sir Thomas More

Download Sir Thomas More's famous work Utopia, published in 1515. This title refers to an imaginary society More developed in order to show the virtues of a place where...

by Ryan Holiday

Stoic philosophy is all the rage, thanks in large part to author Ryan Holiday, who has written numerous best-selling books on the topic.

by Stephen West

Stephen West's Philosophize This! is a podcast devoted to applying important philosophical ideas to 21st century life. With each episode, West offers a brief, educated, and often funny monologue on topics...

by Melvyn Bragg

The history of ideas discussed by Melvyn Bragg and guests including Philosophy, science, literature, religion and the influence these ideas have on us today.


This Proverbs Podcast series will offer a multifaceted view of how different traditions have passed on their wisdom.

by Mary Hedengren

Before we talk about the terms, movements and people who helped form rhetoric, what exactly is rhetoric? And why has this question been driving people crazy for thousands of years?

by Geoffrey Edwards

Unabridged philosophy audiobooks including writing by Plato (Parmenides), Aristotle (Economics) and Cicero (On Moral Duties).

by Connor Clerkin

Each week we read through, summarize, and explain a different text in Philosophy.

1 - 10 of 12 Titles
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