Short Stories Podcasts
Featured Short Stories Podcasts
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It's story time for adults with NPR's award-winning series of short fiction read by the stars of stage and screen.
A monthly reading and conversation.
by LeVar Burton
Listen to short fiction read by the amazing actor and voice talent Levar Burton. You might recognize Levar Burton from his television work on Reading Rainbow, Star Trek: The Next Generation, and the miniseries Roots.
by Jon Hagadorn
A fast-paced, entertaining, and educational collection of narrated short stories and tales for all ages.
by Jon Hagadorn
1001 Heroes,Legends, Histories & Mysteries is a collection of compelling, fast-paced, well-researched stories that inform, enlighten, and entertain.
by B.J. Harrison
The Classic Tales Podcast was created to make unabridged classics not only available, but approachable.
7. presents the Novella Podcast featuring audio books that are longer than a short story, but shorter than your typical novel.
New Yorker fiction writers read their stories.
Authors including Jay McInerney, Martha Sandweiss, Garry Wills, and Tracey Morgan read from their new books.
by Jason Weiser
Listen as Jason and Carissa Weiser breathe new life into the classics and tell the stories of some of the greatest books ever written.
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