Poetry Podcasts
Featured Poetry Podcasts
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by Garrison Keillor
The Writer's Almanac Podcast hosted by Garrison Keillor is a wonderful way to start your day. Though well known already for being the figurehead of NPR's "A Prairie Home Companion", Keillor has been offering this daily dose of poetry and history for many years as well.
by Michael Silverblatt
A must for the serious reader, "Bookworm" showcases writers of fiction and poetry - the established, new or emerging - all interviewed with insight and precision by the show's host and guiding spirit, Michael Silverblatt.
by William Shakespeare
Designed with the novice in mind, The Intro to Poetry podcast is a carefully selected series that will expose the listener to a broad range of poetic eras and styles.
by Donald Hall
Offering a truly invaluable service, the Essential American Poets Podcast is both a historical time capsule and an educational tool for anyone interested in America's poetic tradition. Each short episode is dedicated to a single poet, offering biographical information at the top, and archived recordings of their poetry, usually recited by the poet directly.
by Christian Wiman
Editors Christian Wiman and Don Share go inside the pages of Poetry, talking to poets and critics, debating the issues, and sharing their poem selections with listeners.
by Kenneth Goldsmith
Poet Kenneth Goldsmith presents selections from UbuWeb, the learned and varietous online repository concerning concrete and sound poetry, experimental film, outsider art, and all things avant-garde.
by Al Filreis
PennSound Podcasts and Close Listening are hosted by PennSound's co-directors, Al Filreis and Charles Bernstein, respectively.
Great classic and contemporary poems read by poets and actors delivered every day.
by Al Filreis
Kelly Writers House impresario Al Filreis leads a lively roundtable discussion of a single poem with a series of rotating guests including Linh Dinh, Randall Couch, Jessica Lowenthal, Charles Bernstein …
by Kevin Young
Readings and conversation with The New Yorker's poetry editor, Kevin Young.
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