Military History Podcasts
Featured Military History Podcasts
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by Lucy Barnhouse
From Neanderthals to Napoleon's sister, each week Footnoting History's team of young academics share their favorite stories from across history. New episodes every Saturday.
by Jamie Redfern
The Story of Hannibal and the Punic Wars.
by Brandon Huebner
The Maritime History Podcast is a chronological look at maritime history and its numerous facets. Beginning with ancient history, the podcast looks at trade, exploration, ship-building and much more.
by Gene Pell
Listen to the stories of veterans from World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the first Gulf War on the Veterans Chronicles Podcast. Host Gene Pell and others do in depth interviews with veterans who participated in specific moments of America's military history.
The Anzac involvement in the Gallipoli Campaign has had a lasting cultural impact in Australia. Why is it considered such sacred ground? These podcasts will draw together different perspectives on Gallipoli, the ANZACs and the Great War.
by Gerald J. Prokopowicz
CWTR is a weekly, hour long, intenet-based talk radio show hosted by Gerry Prokopowicz of East Carolina University.
by Wesley Livesay
History of the Great War is a weekly podcast that will cover the First World War that occurred from 1914 and 1918.
by Paul Kendrick
A weekly podcast on the Korean War.
by Mike Duncan
A weekly podcast series examining great political revolutions. Now: The Haitian Revolution Next: Simon Bolivar and Gran Colombia. Visit us at
by David Brown
A president bound for greatness. A ruinous Vietnam war. How did Lyndon Johnson lose his way?
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