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The History of Rome Podcast by Mike Duncan

The History of Rome Podcast

by Mike Duncan

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  4.6  Stars Based on 41 ratings
After five years of podcasting The History of Rome Podcast, host Mike Duncan has completed the entire history of the rise and fall of the Rome. In his 179th and final episode he talks about the journeys through Roman history that he has taken in the podcast. This podcast is one of the most highly rated podcasts on our site with many glowing reviews. All 179 podcast episodes are up on the feed. Get hooked on the history of Rome!

The History of Rome Podcast is a chronological attempt to trace the rise, decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Starting with Rome's founding by the mythical twins Romulus and Remus, this series hosted by Mike Duncan is an ongoing account of the people and events that shaped the western world. A must for any student of history and an invaluable resource for anyone that needs a ground level survey of the Roman Republic.

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