Writing Podcasts
Featured Writing Podcasts
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55 Titles
by Mignon Fogarty
Grammar Girl's Quick & Dirty Tips for Better Writing is a podcast devoted to helping listeners improve their writing skills. Taking a nuts and bolts approach, these short podcasts clarify common errors in English grammar in precise detail.
by Barbara DeMarco-Barrett
a weekly radio program hosted by journalist and author Barbara DeMarco-Barrett on the art and business of writing
by Michael A. Stackpole
The Secrets is a serious tool for writers. It addresses problems writers have and provides solutions as well as inspiration.
by Pilar Alessandra
Join professional script consultant Pilar Alessandra as she demystifies screenwriting and answers your questions about script craft and story.
by John August
Hosted by screenwriters John August (Big Fish, Go, and many Tim Burton films) and Craig Mazin (The Hangover and the Scary Movie series), the Scriptnotes Podcast is intended for aspiring screenwriters that are hoping to perfect their craft and find work in the movie industry.
by Miwa Messer
Poured Over is a show for readers who pore over details, obsess over sentences and ideas and stories and characters; readers who ask a lot of questions, just like Poured Over’s host, Miwa Messer, a career bookseller who’s always reading.
by K.M. Weiland
Helping Writers Become Authors provides writers help in summoning inspiration, crafting solid characters, outlining and structuring novels, and polishing prose.
by Elizabeth Craft
Veteran TV writers Liz Craft and Sarah Fain demystify Hollywood by making career and personal struggles universal.
by Ed Gandia
Ed Gandia, co-author of the bestselling book, The Wealthy Freelancer, reveals how to propel your writing business to the six-figure level (or the part-time equivalent).
by Jennifer Udden
Every two weeks join Bridget Smith of Dunham Literary Inc. and Jennifer Udden of the Donald Maass Literary Agency as we discuss books, publishing, writing, and more.
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