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This Author: Trace Mayer

Bitcoin Knowledge Podcast by Trace Mayer

Bitcoin Knowledge Podcast

by Trace Mayer

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Interviews with the top people in the Bitcoin world about blockchain and fintech. Your host is Trace Mayer, J.D. recommended Bitcoin around a nickel and has invested in key infrastructure such as (1) Armory - the most secure Bitcoin wallet, (2) Bitpay - the largest Bitcoin merchant processor, (3) Bitmain - the largest and most profitable Bitcoin mining company and (4) Kraken - the largest Euro and best Bitcoin exchange. He has helped many people profit by demonstrating a significant documented foresight and prognostication ability in the money, currency and payment markets and developments. Gold, Bitcoin, blockchain, silver, finance and economics. Monetary science applied to current events. This wrapup will teach you about sound money and cutting edge technologies to help you protect, preserve and grow your wealth during The Great Credit Contraction holders of capital are increasingly seeking safety and liquidity. Mr. Mayer has degrees in accounting and law and has studied the Austrian school of economics. He has authored several books and speaks internationally at investment conferences. Gold has been the penultimate safe haven throughout millennia and will remain the Ancient Metal of Kings. But the new decentralized peer-to-peer censorship-resistant blockchain technology, the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, has set a new standard for liquidity. Bitcoin allow users to send any amount of money to any other person instantly without a fee to anywhere in the world without any restrictions whatsoever. Because bitcoins are a sterile asset, like gold, any rise in price functions as a wealth transfer from other assets in the economy to holders of bitcoins on the blockchain. For the past decade the fiat currency collapse has continued unabated with all major fiat currencies falling relative to gold. But at the same time over the past couple years gold has completely collapsed relative to Bitcoin; gold’s performance relative to Bitcoin is worse than the Argentina Peso against the USD. The market has a way of financially rewarding the solutions, instead of refuges, because they add more value to society. And that is what gold’s currency collapse relative to Bitcoin is signaling; a massive wealth transfer has started from holders of assets in the traditional fiat currency system, gold, silver, etc. and other assets to holders of bitcoins.

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