
William Faulkner Nobel Prize Speech


Free Resource - July 6th, 2010
Today's Free Resource

Speech Accepting the Nobel Prize in Literature

In this speech by the great American author William Faulkner, he encourages young writers to write about the human spirit. Delivered in 1950, Faulkner acknowledges the crippling physical fear of nuclear war. He feels that humanity will prevail because our souls are immortal and the soul is what writers should be concerned with, and it is the soul which Faulkner set out to explore in his life's work. This speech is available on streaming audio from American Rhetoric. Note: The original recording gets cut off, but the recorded reading contains the complete speech.

Speech Accepting the Nobel Prize in Literature

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Gordon Skene Sound Collection
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Gordon Skene Sound Collection

The Gordon Skene Sound Collection is a massive collection of speeches and historical events recorded on audio. LearnOutLoud.com is pleased to now be offering over 50 audio downloads from the Gordon Skene Sound Collection.

Message from Gordon Skene:

"As a rule I hate looking back. The trouble with looking back is you tend to stare at it a long time, and nothing really good ever comes of that. I'm also not a big fan of "nostalgia". I think of nostalgia and think "fond remembrance of events that never occurred" - time tends to blow small events out of proportion and large events into heart stopping defining moments which, at the time didn't amount to much. So why look back at all?

The Gordon Skene Sound Collection & my new site Newstalgia are here to help put history and current events into perspective. Some things never change, some people never change - only the names and situations and outcomes. Sometimes history consists of the same set of events and circumstances over and over until the lesson is learned or the methods changed. Some things never change and some things are destined never to be the same again."

Check out Gordon Skene's latest site: Newstalgia

Gordon Skene Sound Collection

Literature Audio Courses

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Browse Over 120 Audio Courses from the Modern Scholar Series

Today we're highlighting over 20 literature courses released by the Modern Scholar. Browse these courses covering literature from Greek drama to The Bible to medieval classics up to modern literature covering areas such as Irish Literature, Russian Literature, Fantasy Literature, Modern American Poetry, and more.

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Archaeology and the Iliad: The Trojan War in Homer and History Taught by Prof. Eric H. Cline

Bard of the Middle Ages: The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer Taught by Prof. Michael Drout

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Dante and His Divine Comedy Taught by Prof. Timothy B. Shutt

The Dead Sea Scrolls Taught by Prof. Lawrence H. Schiffman

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Odyssey of the West II - A Classic Education through the Great Books: From Athens to Rome and the Gospels Taught by Multiple Professors

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Shakespeare: Ten Great Comedies Taught by Prof. Raphael Shargel

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