
Weight Loss Podcast


Free Resource (#805) - May 4th, 2009
Today's Free Resource

Inside Out Weight Loss Podcast

Listen to this podcast from Personal Life Media hosted by leading diet and weight-loss coach Renee Stephens. Renee features dozens of podcasts on her feed and she encourages listeners to start with the first podcast which covers her personal story of how she overcame compulsive overeating along with the methods of weight loss she'll be using in the podcast. Instead of focusing on a diet plan or what you should or shouldn't be eating or doing, Renee focuses on transforming the mind so that you can in turn transform your body. Using techniques such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnotherapy, and Positive Psychology, Renee teaches listeners how to lose weight from the "inside out".

Inside Out Weight Loss Podcast

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Achieve Your Ideal Weight

Achieve rapid, successful, and permanent weight loss with the help of this program. Any world-class athlete will tell you that the mind is the most important part of success in any sport. It's the same with losing weight. Our thoughts influence our eating habits, our cravings, our metabolism, and our attitude toward exercise. This program will help you tap the power of your mind to achieve your ideal weight quickly and painlessly. Listen to this program while you drive, exercise, or any activity. The information and techniques in this program will help you win the mental game of weight control.

Available on MP3 Download.

Listen to a free sample of: Achieve Your Ideal Weight

Diet & Nutrition Audio
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Diet & Nutrition Audio

Diets, diets, everywhere diets! There are so many options, how do you choose? When it comes to weight loss and healthy eating, the best thing you can do for yourself is to choose a diet that’s safe and healthy and one that also promotes healthy lifestyle changes. In LearnOutLoud.com’s ‘Diet & Nutrition’ section, listeners who want to learn how to lose weight or get healthy can browse through a variety of diet and weight loss audio books to find the perfect combination to fit his or her goals and lifestyle.

Change your diet, change your life — the most successful diets are diets that don’t really “spell out” a “diet” at all. Make sense? It’s all about lifestyle changes and not necessarily about the exact amount of food you eat, the combination of foods you eat, or how long you stick to a specific “meal plan”. Check out a wide variety of audio titles by alternative health advocates and practitioners like Andrew Weil, M.D.. Dr. Weil’s arsenal of audio books includes catchy titles like: "Eating Wisdom", "The Beginner’s Guide to Healthy Eating" and "Taking Care of Yourself", to name a few. Dr. Weil’s education, experience, and wisdom are inspirational, but he’s not the only doctor in the house! Listen to Dr. Phil McGraw as he talks about the 7 keys to weight loss freedom and how they will open the doors to a healthier life for listeners, in "The Ultimate Weight Loss Solution". And if you’re looking for other diet audio books that offer valuable weight loss tips and meal plans, including easy-to-follow recipes from popular Miami Beach restaurants, try Dr. Arthur Agatston’s best-selling title, "The South Beach Diet".

Whether you want to get inspired to change your life style, find new ways to eat good food that's healthy, or just want to shave off the extra pounds, you will find an audio title here to help you reach your goals—however big or small.

Diet & Nutrition Audio

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