
Tony Robbins TED Talk


Free Resource (#710) - Dec. 15th, 2008
Today's Free Resource

TED Talks: Tony Robbins

Self development expert Anthony Robbins speaks at the TED Conference on what motivates people. Robbins insists that he isn't a motivator, but instead he is out to find what motivates people and what is it that makes the difference in the quality of people's lives. He discusses briefly the core human needs that drive people. This talk is available on streaming video from Google Video.

TED Talks: Tony Robbins

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Tony Robbins is known to millions around the world as the high-energy, ultra-dynamic, inspirational motivator who teaches people how to solve their biggest problems and dramatically improve their lives. His books and audio courses have sold over 50 million copies world-wide. He has advised leaders in every capacity: world politics, international business, world-class entertainment, and humanitarian relief. His non-profit Anthony Robbins Foundation feeds over a million people in 9 impoverished countries every year.

So what happens when the most successful leadership coach in the world talks with the most comprehensive integral thinker? First of all, our expectations quickly dissolve. If Tony is supposed to be the "success guy" and Ken is the "intellectual guy," we find in them a warmth, humor, and caring that makes for a truly heartfelt dialogue.

Second, we begin to see how Tony Robbins actually works. If we've only known Tony from that genre of "get-rich-quick" infomercials, we now learn what a wide range of activities, sophisticated approach, and set of deep values he actually has.

Tony discusses his model of human needs and motivations, and his intervention strategy for change. From emotions to relationships to finances to physical health—Tony covers the bases. His model allows him to spot a person's leverage points, identify their barriers to change, and redefine their challenges in a way that allows for the most effective action.

Trying to understand why people do the things they do and what are the true factors for human fulfillment, Tony discovered what he calls the 6 human needs. We are always striving to meet some combination of these needs. However, it's the integrity with which we do so that determines whether we succeed and find fulfillment or, instead, only sabotage ourselves. And, importantly, our levels of fulfillment can show development over time, as our strategies evolve and our awareness deepens. The "6 human needs" are, briefly:

Need 1: Certainty/Comfort
Need 2: Uncertainty/Variety
Need 3: Significance
Need 4: Connection/Love
Need 5: Growth
Need 6: Contribution

Ken reflects on the development of Tony's work over the years, which began with a focus on self-mastery and success, and evolved into a whole-bodied, whole-person, relational, and even spiritual approach, with a focus on growth and contribution to the world. Indeed, there is a great love—of life, of family, of people—that inspires Tony's work for human change. That same love shines through in this conversation with Ken.

We truly hope you enjoy this high-power, high-energy dialogue between two men who, each in his own way, are giving everything they can to make a difference in people's lives.

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The Higher Reaches of Success

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