
Tocqueville's Democracy in America Free Audiobook


Free Resource (#626) - August 15th, 2008
Today's Free Resource

Democracy in America, Vol. I

Democracy in America, Vol. II

Listen to Alexis de Tocqueville's great work of political philosophy and history Democracy in America. Published in two volumes (in 1835 and 1840 respectively), the French political thinker Tocqueville wrote about America as a social scientist after his travels there, providing a wealth of observations and opinions which still hold true today. If you've never had a chance to read this book, then listening to this 30-hour audio book is a great way to get through this classic work of political philosophy. This audio book is read by a number of volunteer narrators at LibriVox.org and is available to download on MP3.

Democracy in America, Vol. I

Democracy in America, Vol. II

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Available on MP3 download.

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Philosophers in 90 Minutes
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90-Minute Philosopher Series by Paul Strathern

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90-Minute Philosopher Series by Paul Strathern

Aristotle Audio Books

Aristotle Audio Books

One of the founders of Western philosophy, Aristotle wrote extensively about a wide array of subjects ranging from physics and biology to theater and poetry. He lived from 384 BC to 322 BC, but his influence is still significant in today's world. In a continual quest for knowledge, he spent almost twenty years studying at Plato's Academy. He studied and wrote about as many subjects as he possibly could, even traveling to Asia, where he studied the botany and zoology of the island of Lesbos.

In 343 BC, Aristotle became tutor to Alexander the Great and head of the royal academy of Macedon. Seven years later he established his own school in Athens called the Lyceum. During this time, Aristotle is thought to have written many of his works. Most were in the form of dialogues or treatises that are considered to have been written as study aids for his students.

If you want to familiarize yourself with Aristotle, Aristotle's Poetics is available on audio download. Poetics discusses the principles of storytelling, including unity of plot and character development. It is considered to be an important explanation of dramatic and literary theory and is still popular among writers today.

The Politics describes man as a "political animal" and explains how virtue comes about through active participation in local politics. Aristotle discusses how the ideal state aims for the common good instead of the good of a mere portion of the population. LearnOutLoud.com recommends the Politics on audio download if you want to learn about one of the most influential political philosophies of all time.

And last but not least is The Nicomachean Ethics also available on audio download. In this fundamental work on ethics Aristotle sets out to explain in practical terms how men should best live.

Get to the roots of Western Philosophy with the original works of Aristotle.

Aristotle Audio Books

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