
Theories of Abraham Maslow


Free Resource (#627) - August 18th, 2008
Today's Free Resource

Zaadz Notes: Abraham Maslow

If you're familiar with the Hierarchy of Needs or the term "self-actualization" it's probably because of Abraham Maslow. One of the most influential psychologists of the 20th century, Maslow's work has impacted thousands of authors and millions of readers. Listen in as Brian Johnson, founder of PhilosophersNotes.com, gives his take on Mr. Maslow. This title is available on MP3 download exclusively through LearnOutLoud.com.

Zaadz Notes: Abraham Maslow

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LearnOutLoud.com is pleased to be offering 40 audio downloads from PhilosophersNotes.com. This website features titles that cover the Big Ideas of the best self-development books in less than half an hour of reading/listening a week.

The PhilosophersNotes are written and read by Brian Johnson, the philosopher & CEO behind eteamz.com, thinkArete.com, and Zaadz.com (now Gaia.com). Brian has distilled the Big Ideas and "concentrated" the wisdom from dozens of the top self-development books. These a la carte downloads are available exclusively through LearnOutLoud.com on MP3 download with a supplemental PDF of the material.

If you want some free samples of the PhilosophersNotes or you're interested in subscribing to receive access to all the PhilosophersNotes please visit PhilosophersNotes.com.

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Abraham Maslow Audio
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Abraham Maslow Audio

Abraham Maslow was the eldest of seven children born to poor Jewish immigrants in Brooklyn, New York. An intelligent young man, he first studied law at the City University of New York. Dissatisfied, he transferred to Cornell, went back to CUNY, and eventually attended the University of Wisconsin, which he attended along with his wife and first cousin Bertha Goodman. At this point, he changed his major to psychology, working with Harry Harlow and obtaining his BA, MA and eventually his PhD.

He taught at Brooklyn College and then later at Brandeis University. More importantly he was the creator and leader of humanist psychology, a new school of thought that emerged in the 1950s and 1960s. He is remembered for creating the 'hierarchy of needs' with physical needs at the bottom and self-actualization at the top. He died in California in 1970, suffering a heart attack after years of semi-retirement and ill-health. His work and theories focused on positive mental health rather than the treatment of disease, and his study of 'peak experiences' crossed over into religious theory.

Abraham Maslow Audio

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