
TeachOutLoud Free Stuff Section


Free Resource - May 14th, 2010
Today's Free Resource

Just in case you missed it in our last newsletter we wanted to make sure to inform you of our new TeachOutLoud Free Stuff section!

Over 700 educational titles have now been published through our self-publishing TeachOutLoud service. And we've now added a new section to our TeachOutLoud site devoted entirely to free audio downloads and podcasts that have been published there. You can now browse over 700 free titles in our TeachOutLoud Free Stuff Section:

TeachOutLoud Free Stuff

You can browse by all our categories. Here are the categories along with how many free titles we have in each category:

Arts & Entertainment (152 items)

Biography (11 items)

Business (110 items)

Education & Professional (90 items)

History (16 items)

Languages (27 items)

Literature (31 items)

Philosophy (38 items)

Politics (29 items)

Religion & Spirituality (170 items)

Science (15 items)

Self Development (231 items)

Social Sciences (25 items)

Sports & Hobbies (68 items)

Technology (22 items)

Travel (26 items)

To access this new free section you can now click FREE STUFF tab which is always at the top of all TeachOutLoud pages on www.teachoutloud.com.

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With over 700 free titles to choose from we wanted to give you some guidance as to some of the best free titles we've discovered over the course of TeachOutLoud publishing history. Here are some the best free audio downloads on TeachOutLoud that you may want to check out:

Book Writing for Fun and Profit & The Book Author's Copyright Protection by Brian Scott

Free Motivational Audio Book: Monday Again?! by Marquese Martin-Hayes (which has been download over 1500 times now!)

10 FREE Audio Downloads by Evangelist Ron Mitchell - Covering numerous aspects of Christian living.

Free Business Law Lectures by Prof. Jay Garrett with Texas A & M University - Commerce

35 Free Excerpts from The Laugh Makers: A Behind-The-Scenes Tribute To Bob Hope's Incredible Gag Writers by Robert L. Mills

Ten Language Learning Podcasts from LingQ.com

15 FREE Audio Downloads by Michael Greer - Including numerous inspirational and motivational titles.

Destroy Your Self-Defeating Voice & Your Neuroplasticity Mindset by Raj Gavurla

Developing Emotional Power (Free Download) by Nationally Acclaimed Speaker John Santangelo

30 Wasted Years: A Journey in Self Motivation (Free Download) by Jeff Grundy

AM Focus for Free! by Patrick Porter, Ph.D.

PM Dreamtime Session for Free! by Patrick Porter, Ph.D.

Billy Brown And The Mystery Package for Free!

Over 30 Titles from Law of Attraction teachers Beth and Lee McCain including 20 free podcasts titles

Over 30 Free Titles from Lorman Educational Services including discussions of: Physicals: Should Physicians Know?, Fairness Between Departments with Different Standards, and Corporate Code of Ethics

Sweeney Todd Audio Tour For Free!

50 Audio Titles by Dr. Leslie M. Moore, as she teaches in the areas of yoga and metaphysical studies including 20 free titles.

The Science Of Being Great by Wallace Wattles; special edition put together by Michele Blood

Three Free Titles from Success Coach Steve Chandler: Desire, Freedom, and The Owner/Victim Choice

Dare to Live Without Limits and The Power of Attraction - Free inspirational downloads from author and motivational speaker Bryan Golden.

Free Hindi Scriptures including a 4-Part Audio Book of the Krishna Leela and a 6-Part Audio Book Valmiki Ramayana narrated by Prati Dhwani

Spiritual and Personal Growth Titles from Dr. Maurice Turmel including 2 free downloads

Free Personal Finance Audio from the Northern Trust Corporation

Sales success programs from Al Argo, including a free title The Think Thank Tank.

Albert Anderson on Human Nature & World Community - Free downloads on philosophical topics delivered by Philosophy Professor Albert Anderson

Introduction to Your Mind (Two free guided meditations)

And we could go on and on with the fascinating free stuff that has been published. You can check it all out here:

Over 700 Free Audio Downloads on TeachOutLoud

Publish on TeachOutLoud
       Featured Provider  

What do you want to teach the world? LearnOutLoud is proud to announce TeachOutLoud, our revolutionary service for audio self-publishing. If you've got a class you teach or a book you've written, this is your opportunity to record an audio version and make it available to the world. There's no cost to participate in TeachOutLoud and it's really easy to get started. Just click the link below to find out more information:


Browse Over 2000 Titles That Have Been Published Through TeachOutLoud (Including 100s of Free Downloads!)

1000 New Free Audio Books from LibriVox

1000 New Free Audio Books from LibriVox

We've recently added 1000 new free audio books from LibriVox. LibriVox is a great site which brings together volunteers to read books in the public domain that they then offer as free audio book downloads on MP3.

The last time we added titles from LibriVox was over two years ago and since then they have grown enormously with over 2500 titles now available. We sifted through all their audio books and picked out the best titles based on literary merit, quality of narration, and how interesting they sounded. The narrators and recording quality have definitely improved and for many of the major classics they have multiple versions now so we've chosen what sounds like the best edition. We've also added the podcast feeds of the all audio books so you can listen to and download them all through our site. To download zips, subscribe through iTunes, get the eBooks, see chapter headings, and more click on the links over to LibriVox.

Check out some of the highlights of the 1000 audio books we've added here:

1000 New Free Audio Books from LibriVox

And you can you can browse over 1100 LibriVox titles on LearnOutLoud.com:

All LibriVox Titles on LearnOutLoud.com

Contact Information
email: emagazine@learnoutloud.com
phone: 1-800-550-6070
web: http://www.learnoutloud.com

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