
Steven Johnson on The Ghost Map


Free Resource - October 19th, 2010
Free Resource of the Day

Steven Johnson and The Long Zoom

In this lecture delivered at the Long Now Foundation, eclectic author Steven Johnson talks about viewing the world from the "long zoom" perspective where we zoom out from specific issues to try and see overall trends. He talks about his book The Ghost Map: The Story of London's Most Terrifying Epidemic - and How it Changed Science, Cities and the Modern World. In the book he talks about Dr. John Snow, who in 1854 created a map of the cholera cases and by examining the map was able determine the cause of the outbreak. He talks about many other areas where "zooming out" can be useful, drawing on ideas from his other books. This intriguing talk is available on streaming video from FORA.tv.

Steven Johnson and The Long Zoom

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Knowledge Products: Science & Discovery
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Dr. Daniel Amen Audio Downloads

Dr. Daniel Amen Audio Downloads

Dr. Daniel Amen is a Board Certified Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatrist. He helped pioneer the use of brain SPECT imaging in psychiatry. He is the CEO and Medical Director of Amen Clinics, Inc. Amen Clinics have world's largest database of brain scans (>40,000) and have seen patients from all 50 states and 62 countries.

Daniel Amen is the author of over 30 professional papers, and 22 books, including the NY Times bestsellers Change Your Brain, Change Your Body, Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, Healing Anxiety and Depression, Making A Good Brain Great, and Sex on the Brain. Dr. Daniel Amen's high school course, Making A Good Brain Great, on "practical brain science health education" is now in 34 states and 7 countries.

Dr. Daniel Amen Audio Downloads

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