
Sounds True Podcast


Free Resource (#599) - July 9th, 2008
Today's Free Resource

Voices of Wisdom Podcast

Check out key audio excerpts from the most popular personal and spiritual growth titles offered by the publisher Sounds True. This podcast features Dr. Steven Gurgevich talking about the basics of the The Self-Hypnosis Diet, Jack Kornfield discussing Meditation for Beginners, David Deida elaborates on what he means in his title Enlightened Sex, Jon Kabat-Zinn summarizes mindfulness, Dr. Andrew Weil discusses the benefits of walking, Cynthia Bourgeault looks into what Jesus meant when he mentioned the kingdom of heaven, and many more interesting excerpts from other Sounds True authors including Adyashanti, Pema Chodron, Ken Wilber, Eckhart Tolle, and others. Subscribe to and download this podcast of spiritual and personal wisdom.

Voices of Wisdom Podcast

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360 MP3 Audio Downloads from Sounds True

Sounds True was founded in 1985 by Tami Simon with a clear mission: to disseminate spiritual wisdom. Since starting out as a project with one woman and her tape recorder, we have grown into a multimedia publishing company with over 70 employees, a library of over 600 titles featuring some of the leading teachers and visionaries of our time, and an ever-expanding family of customers from across the world. In over two decades of growth, change, and evolution, Sounds True has maintained its focus on its overriding purpose.

Listen to free samples of: 360 MP3 Audio Downloads from Sounds True

Crystal Clarity Publishers Downloads
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Crystal Clarity Publishers Downloads

Crystal Clarity Publishers is dedicated to teaching principles and practices that help individuals develop an expanded, divine awareness, and to demonstrate practically how to apply these principles to every facet of life: business, family, health, education, and spirituality. Inspired by the great Indian teacher, Paramhansa Yogananda, and Crystal Clarity's founder, Swami Kriyananda, our offerings strive to combine the highest insights of the East with the practical-mindedness of the West.

Crystal Clarity means to see oneself, and all things, as aspects of a greater reality; to seek to enter into conscious attunement with that reality; and to see all things as channels for the expression of that reality. It means to see truth in simplicity; to seek always to be guided by the simple truth, not by opinions; and by what is, not by one's own desires or prejudices. It means striving to see things in relation to their broadest potential. In one's association with other people, it means seeking always to include their realities in one's own.

Crystal Clarity Publishers Downloads

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