
Sound Medicine Podcast


Free Resource (#770) - March 16th, 2009
Today's Free Resource

Sound Medicine Podcast

Get the latest in medical news and advice with the Sound Medicine Podcast. This public radio show from the Indiana University School of Medicine provides some of the soundest medical information available. The shows feature some audio documentaries on topics and some interviews with professionals in the medical practice. Learn how to live at your healthiest with the Sound Medicine Podcast.

Sound Medicine Podcast

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Dr. Andrew Weil Audio
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Dr. Andrew Weil Audio Downloads

A graduate of Harvard, Andrew Weil, M.D. has devoted thirty years to building up, practicing, and teaching others about the principles of integrative medicine. He is the founder of the Weil Lifestyle, LLC which has become the best resource in the world for integrative medicine information and related services. It can be said without a doubt that Weil has devoted his life to practicing the most natural and preventive medicine possible. A medicine that does not treat purely the physical, but the emotional and spiritual as well.

One of the most prominent personalities in the alternative health field, Dr. Weil is a frequent guest on many television shows, making many appearances on Oprah and Larry King Live to name just a few. Using these venues he has spread his message on how we must incorporate coventional and complementary medicinal practices into one fluid health strategy that will optimize the body's natural healing mechanisms. Weil is concerned most with preventing people from getting sick rather then treating them when they already are.

Dr. Andrew Weil Audio Downloads

Elsewhere on LearnOutLoud.com...

Dan Millman rocks! One of our favorite authors is Dan Millman who wrote Way of the Peaceful Warrior. We're proud to be distributing a number of Dan's audio titles that you can't find anywhere else. Audiobooks such as Energizing the Body and The Twelve Gateways to Freedom are among our best-sellers. We love listening to Dan's material and know that you will too. Here's the link:


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