
Rousseau Reads His Social Contract


Free Resource - June 11th, 2010
Today's Free Resource

The Social Contract

This work of political philosophy by Jean-Jacques Rousseau begins with the famous saying: "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains." In this book the great 18th-century Enlightenment thinker proposes a form of government which maintains individual freedom and also represents the general will of a society. This audio book is well narrated by Jason Douglas at ejunto.org and is available on MP3 download through ejunto.org or as a podcast through iTunes.

The Social Contract

ejunto.org (formerly ejunto.com) has re-launched their site, beautifully showcasing over 25 free audio books they offer mostly in the area of philosophy and history. Including The Social Contract, we've added ten new titles from their site. Browse all the ejunto.org titles we feature:

Browse Over 25 ejunto.org Titles on LearnOutLoud.com

Here are the new titles we've added:

Aesop's Fables

Alexander Hamilton by Henry Jones Ford

Cicero by John Lord

Common Sense by Thomas Paine

The Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson

Lives of Our Presidents by W.A. Peters

The Magna Carta

Thomas Jefferson by David Saville Muzzey

The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare

Enjoy these great free audio books. And support ejunto.org for the awesome work they do, so they can continue to create more great free works of philosophy and history on audio. Click Here to Donate to ejunto.org.

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Political Theory: The Classic Texts and Their Continuing Relevance

This exciting course introduces vital works of political theory from history's greatest minds. The theorists we will study wanted very badly to reach their readers, to make them think about their world differently. As you learn about luminaries such as Plato, Thucydides, and Hobbes, you may see connections between their times and our own. Professor Kaplan's goal is to make these works accessible without distorting or oversimplifying them.

As you will see, the study of political theory is an enjoyable, gratifying, and challenging subject that will reward the effort you put into thinking about it many times over. Political theory helps us to think about who we are, where we are coming from, and where we are going. At the same time, theory does not tell us what to do, but can help us to act with purpose and vision. It helps us to step back and get perspective on our problems and on who we really are. Here, you'll investigate how the language of political theory conveys its meaning.

This course is not a substitute for reading the texts, but it can help you to overcome some of the obstacles that these texts present. It is not easy to pick up a book by Aristotle or Hobbes and figure it out on your own. We all need some help in understanding the world, and that is the starting point for political theory itself. As you embark on this adventure, you are taking part in a community that comes from specific times and places, but transcends them. These great works can speak to us today, wherever we are. Political theory does this better than many other subjects, in part because the theorist wants us to look around and think about the specifics of the world around us, but also to lift our heads and see farther than we normally do. By the conclusion of this course, you will see a dramatic difference in your ability to understand what you read or watch in the news.

Listen to a free sample of: Political Theory: The Classic Texts and Their Continuing Relevance

1000 New Free Audio Books from LibriVox
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1000 New Free Audio Books from LibriVox

We've recently added 1000 new free audio books from LibriVox. LibriVox is a great site which brings together volunteers to read books in the public domain that they then offer as free audio book downloads on MP3.

The last time we added titles from LibriVox was over two years ago and since then they have grown enormously with over 2500 titles now available. We sifted through all their audio books and picked out the best titles based on literary merit, quality of narration, and how interesting they sounded. The narrators and recording quality have definitely improved and for many of the major classics they have multiple versions now so we've chosen what sounds like the best edition. We've also added the podcast feeds of the all audio books so you can listen to and download them all through our site. To download zips, subscribe through iTunes, get the eBooks, see chapter headings, and more click on the links over to LibriVox.

Check out some of the highlights of the 1000 audio books we've added here:

1000 New Free Audio Books from LibriVox

And you can you can browse over 1100 LibriVox titles on LearnOutLoud.com:

All LibriVox Titles on LearnOutLoud.com

TeachOutLoud Free Stuff Section

We have launched a new TeachOutLoud Free Stuff section!

Over 700 free educational titles have now been published through our self-publishing TeachOutLoud service. And we've now added a new section to our TeachOutLoud site devoted entirely to free audio downloads and podcasts that have been published there. You can now browse over 700 free titles in our TeachOutLoud Free Stuff Section:

TeachOutLoud Free Stuff

You can browse by all our categories. Here are the categories along with how many free titles we have in each category:

Arts & Entertainment (152 items)

Biography (11 items)

Business (110 items)

Education & Professional (90 items)

History (16 items)

Languages (27 items)

Literature (31 items)

Philosophy (38 items)

Politics (29 items)

Religion & Spirituality (170 items)

Science (15 items)

Self Development (231 items)

Social Sciences (25 items)

Sports & Hobbies (68 items)

Technology (22 items)

Travel (26 items)

To access this new free section you can now click FREE STUFF tab which is always at the top of all TeachOutLoud pages on www.teachoutloud.com.

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