
Rabindranath Tagore's Sadhana Free Audiobook


Free Resource (#720) - January 2nd, 2009
Today's Free Resource

Sadhana, the Realisation of Life

From the preeminent Bengali poet & philosopher Rabindranath Tagore, comes this free audio rendition of his 1913 book Sadhana, the Realisation of Life. Published the same year he won the Nobel Prize for Literature, this audio book is an accessible introduction to India's philosophical and spiritual heritage. The chapters include:

* Chapter 1: The Relation of the Individual to the Universe
* Chapter 2: Soul Consciousness
* Chapter 3: The Problem of Evil
* Chapter 4: The Problem of Self
* Chapter 5: Realisation In Love
* Chapter 6: Realisation In Action
* Chapter 7: The Realisation of Beauty
* Chapter 8: Realisation of The Infinite

This book is narrated by some of the better narrators at LibroVox (including 3 chapters by my favorite, Chip Doc). It is available on MP3 download from LibriVox.

Sadhana, the Realisation of Life

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Michele Blood

Michele Blood is an author, songwriter, singer and record producer who hails from Down Under. She creates instant motivation and energy as she leads audiences worldwide to a better, richer life. Her great psychological discovery MusiVation has a complete catalog of products including tapes, CD's, books, Screensavers, and Home DVD/Video Success Training Systems. Her books and programs are sold around the world. Her method of teaching, called MusiVation has been described as one of the most profound psychological discoveries of our time. She has shared the stage with Dr. Deepak Chopra, Delis Reese, Bob Proctor, Dr Wayne Dyer and many other world experts. She is a world leader in Self Help! She started the world's first Success TV talk show on the net, www.MPowerTV.com, and has launched her own national TV show called Be A Magnet To Success.

Michele Blood

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