
Podcast from the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge


Free Resource - December 22nd, 2010
Free Resource of the Day

The Royal Society Audio Podcast

The Royal Society Video Podcast

The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge is a learned society for science that dates back to 1660. Their latest series of audio & video podcasts include lectures on a variety of scientific subjects, many of which focus on specific figures & events in science history.

Probably the most recognizable name on the list of speakers featured in the podcast is author Bill Bryson who has written numerous bestselling travel books and was invited to the Royal Society to speak about his science book A Short History of Nearly Everything. In the talk Bryson summarizes the four most profound answers he received while researching the book that have to deal with the miraculous of life on Earth and the vastness of the Universe. This talk was delivered in 2005 and is at the bottom of their podcast feed. Listen to or watch this and many more podcasts from the Royal Society.

The Royal Society Audio Podcast

The Royal Society Video Podcast

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From one of the most beloved authors of our time--more than six million copies of his books have been sold in this country alone--a fascinating excursion into the history behind the place we call home.

"Houses aren't refuges from history. They are where history ends up."

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Bill Bryson has one of the liveliest, most inquisitive minds on the planet, and he is a master at turning the seemingly isolated or mundane fact into an occasion for the most diverting exposition imaginable. His wit and sheer prose fluency make "At Home" one of the most entertaining books ever written about private life.

Available on MP3 Download.

Listen to a free sample of: At Home: A Short History of Private Life

And check out: 15 Audio Books by Bill Bryson, many which we now feature on Audio Download.

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