
PRI's The World on Technology


Free Resource (#629) - August 20th, 2008
Today's Free Resource

The World: Technology from BBC/WGBH/PRI Podcast

Listen to technology podcasts from PRI's The World, the popular public radio show that is a co-production of the BBC World Service and WGBH public radio in Boston. These podcasts hosted by Clark Boyd cover global technology news from hackers to gadgets to other curious technological developments. They're currently on episode 206 of their podcast and their feed goes back to through the last 100 podcasts so there's a lot to choose from. Enjoy the latest technology news from around the planet with this excellent public radio podcast.

The World: Technology from BBC/WGBH/PRI Podcast

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Based on interviews with scores of people - rivals, colleagues, friends - who have worked with Jobs over the years, The Second Coming of Steve Jobs presents the most revealing portrait yet of this extraordinarily complex man; how and why he almost gave up his career; the details of his negotiations with Disney's Jeffrey Kaztenberg and Michael Eisner and of the culture clash between Silicon Valley and Hollywood; his methods of leadership, management, creativity, and innovation; his friendship and rivalry with Bill Gates - and much more.

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iMinds $1.00 Audio Book Downloads

LearnOutLoud.com is now offering over 150 audio books from iMinds. iMinds titles are unique 8-minute audio books that deliver bursts of knowledge on an array of topics. All these audio books are $1.00 so grab a bundle of ones that interest you. Their titles cover many different categories such as the arts, history, science, travel, and a whole lot more. They've picked topics that many people have heard of but maybe don't fully understand such as: the Aurora Borealis, Geishas, Habeas Corpus, Ponzi Schemes, the Seven Wonders of the World, the Tragedy of the Commons, and more.

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Enjoy these unique new audio book downloads from iMinds.

iMinds $1.00 Audio Book Downloads

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