
Modern Scholar Series Podcasts


Free Resource - April 21st, 2010
Today's Free Resource

The Modern Scholar Podcast

Listen to this new podcast from the Modern Scholar series which features interviews with professors who have taught recently released audio lecture courses for Modern Scholar. The podcast is hosted by Gretta Cohn. Courses covered include "Myths and Mysteries in Archaeology", "A History of Venice", "The Giants of French Literature", and more. Each podcast covers numerous questions about the subject of the professor's course and is a good introduction to their expertise on the subject. Enjoy this podcast from Modern Scholar!

The Modern Scholar Podcast

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Myths & Mysteries in Archaeology

Otherwise rational people believe-or at least partially believe-in many fantastical myths about the world in which they live. Indeed, it is an entirely human inclination to want to believe in what might be called otherworldly explanations for phenomena for which there are no easily explainable causes.

In these eye-opening lectures, Professor Susan A. Johnston of the George Washington University applies an archaeological perspective to the biggest myths and mysteries in world history. Examining prominent theories and available evidence in a scholarly light, Professor Johnston introduces her audience to the scientific method, demonstrating the most reasonable course for determining whether one's beliefs have merit, or are perhaps less than satisfying when held up to more rigorous examination.

Available on MP3 Download.

Listen to a free sample of: Myths & Mysteries in Archaeology

Modern Scholar Audio Courses
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Looking for an audio course to listen to? Download over 110 courses on audio from the Modern Scholar series featuring great university professors teaching college-level courses on a variety of subjects:

Browse Over 110 Audio Courses from the Modern Scholar Series

You can browse audio courses by subject by clicking the following links featuring philosophy courses, history courses, literature courses, politics courses, business courses, religion courses, science courses & more.

To help introduce you to the magnificent Modern Scholar audio courses, we're offering these ten free course lectures to download from ten of their best audio courses. These recorded lectures are taught by eminent university professors. Here are the 10 lectures you can download right now on MP3:

Ten Free Lectures on LearnOutLoud.com

Ten More Free Lectures on LearnOutLoud.com

40 Audio Books for 1 Dollar

It's our Annual 1 Dollar Sale and we want thank you for being a LearnOutLoud.com customer by offering 40 of LearnOutLoud.com's audio books for $1.00 each. This special offer is available from now through the end of April featuring 40 great audio books published by LearnOutLoud.com.

You can browse all of these 1 Dollar Audio Books right here:

40 Audio Books for 1 Dollar

These 1 Dollar Audio Books include:

  • Siddhartha by Herman Hesse
  • The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
  • Anthem by Ayn Rand
  • Classics of Western Philosophy: Volumes I, II & III
  • Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Introduction to Poetry
  • Art Masterpieces
  • The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles
  • The Art of War by Sun Tzu
  • And 25 more audio books for 1 dollar!

    Once again thanks for being a LearnOutLoud.com customer, and as summer approaches be sure to visit us for all your audio learning needs!

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