
Michael Murphy on Esalen


Free Resource (#705) - Dec. 8th, 2008
Today's Free Resource

A Search for a Personal Utopia

In this talk from writer & Esalen Institute president George Leonard and co-founder Esalen Institute & author Michael Murphy discuss the search for a personal utopia in one's inner and outer being and within their inner circle of friends. The Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California was founded in the 1960s in dedication to studying the realization of human potential. This chat focuses on the journeys of Murphy and Leonard towards their personal utopia along with sharing from the audience. This talk is available on streaming video through FORA.tv.

A Search for a Personal Utopia

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Do YOU Do It, or Does IT Do You?

At the heart of the popularity of such spiritual teachers as Eckhart Tolle and Ken Wilber lies the spirit and intellectual passion of the seminal teacher who inspired them all: Alan Watts. Now, in response to our run-away best-selling audio collection Out of Your Mind, Sounds True is proud to present one of Alan Watts' most extraordinary learning sessions. Listeners will delight in hearing Alan Watts at his finest as he guides them with humor, deep insight, and startling wisdom into a genuine understanding of how the grand, exuberant Self plays the game of living through us, and vice versa. With rare guided meditations taught by Watts himself, Do YOU Do It or Does IT Do You? is an essential audio seminar with one of the true pioneers of Western spirituality.

Available on MP3 Download.

Listen to a free sample of: Do YOU Do It, or Does IT Do You?

Eckhart Tolle Audio Downloads
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Eckhart Tolle Audio Downloads

Eckhart Tolle has become quite visible as one of the most gifted and inspiring spiritual teachers of the early 21st century. Born in Germany, Tolle spent the first 13 years of his life there and then left for England, graduating from the University of London. After graduation, while working as a research scholar, Tolle experienced a profound spiritual transformation. This was such an intense experience that Tolle claims the man he once was is nearly unrecognizable to himself today.

In the following years, Tolle devoted his life to a rigorous inward journey. This led to work with individuals and small groups as a counselor and eventually to the spiritual teacher he is today. Tolle's simple yet profound teachings have helped thousands of people find an inner sense of peace and greater fulfillment in their lives. What Eckhart Tolle hopes his teachings will accomplish is a spiritual awakening on a global scale. Tolle resides in Vancouver and is currently working on a new book.

We Recommend
The place to begin with Eckhart Tolle is definitely by listening to "The Power Of Now" which he narrates. Tolle asks you to leave your analytical mind and with it, the ego, at the door. Underlying everything and in between words is a stillness and peace that can only be attained in the present moment. This is the first place to learn about Tolle's philosophy and it has grown steadily in its popularity since first publications.

Next up is "Stillness Speaks"; here Eckhart shows you how to be with another in a relationship that can contain and weather all things, how to sit with a dying person, where to find wisdom, and how to free yourself from guilt.

Finally there's "Even The Sun Will Die", an interview conducted on September 11th. As the days events unfold in real time, Tolle responds with a calm and clear voice that makes sense of the chaos that will forever define 9/11. If you are feeling bombarded by a chaotic world of uncontrolled emotions and feelings, Eckhart Tolle can offer solutions and lead you to a peace you never thought possible.

LearnOutLoud.com is the best gateway for Tolle's audio programs to help you find the power of now.

Eckhart Tolle Audio Downloads

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