
Masters of The Secret


Free Resource (#527) - March 31st, 2008
Today's Resource of the Day

The Masters of The Secret Podcast

This podcast features conversations with teachers that were featured in the movie The Secret. Bill Harris, director of the Centerpointe Research Institute, conducts the conversations which cover the spiritual and practical applications of the law of attraction by the teachers that are interviewed. The teachers included in this podcast so far are John Assaraf, Hale Dwoskin, Joe Vitale, Jack Canfield, Dr. Michael Beckwith, Lisa Nichols, and James Ray. Start your week with these inspirational talks!

The Masters of The Secret Podcast

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The Master Key System

The Master Key is here given to the world as a means of tapping the great Cosmic Intelligence and attracting from it that which corresponds to the ambitions, and aspirations of each reader. The Master Key teaching has been published in the form of a Correspondence Course of 24 lessons, delivered to students one per week for 24 weeks. The reader, who now receives the whole 24 parts at one times, is warned not to attempt to read the book like a novel, but to treat it as a course of study and conscientiously to imbibe the meaning of each part - reading and re-reading one part only per week before proceeding to the next. Otherwise the later parts will tend to be misunderstood and the reader's time and money will be wasted. Used as thus instructed "The Master Key" will make of the reader a greater, better personality, and equipped with a new power to achieve any worthy personal purpose and a new ability to enjoy life's beauty and wonder.

Available on MP3 Download.

Listen to a free sample of: The Master Key System

Law of Attraction Teachers
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At LearnOutLoud.com we feature audio downloads from many of the teachers in the film The Secret, so we've written up an article about the titles on LearnOutLoud that further explore The Secret:

The Secret & The Laws of Attraction Teachers Article

First off we must mention that we now sell the The Secret on audio download!

Download The Secret by Rhonda Byrne featuring other teachers from the movie The Secret

And we must also mention that we now feature the followup to The Secret book:

The Power by Rhonda Byrne

We feature downloads from a number of teachers prominently featured in the film, including author and speaker Joe Vitale, spiritual teacher Michael Beckwith, physicist Fred Alan Wolf, adventurer Mike Dooley, and more. Check out all The Secret teachers here.

Elsewhere on LearnOutLoud.com...

Dan Millman rocks! One of our favorite authors is Dan Millman who wrote Way of the Peaceful Warrior, a new movie from Lions Gate Films starring Nick Nolte. The Way of the Peaceful Warrior movie is now available on DVD..

We're proud to be distributing a number of Dan's audio titles that you can't find anywhere else. Audiobooks such as Energizing the Body and The Twelve Gateways to Freedom are among our best-sellers. We love listening to Dan's material and know that you will too. Here's the link:


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