Free Resource (#976) - Jan. 18th, 2010 |
Today's Free Resource
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. "I Am a Drum Major for Justice"
On this MLK Day listen to an inspiring sermon from Martin Luther King, Jr. In this speech, delivered in the year he was assassinated, Dr. King looks back on his life and hopes he will be remembered as a "Drum Major for Justice". King sees the importance in the "drum major instinct" that drives us to lead and be recognized, but points out through Christ's teachings that the greatest leaders are those who serve others and put justice before their own gain. This 20-minute sermon is available on streaming audio from History and Politics Out Loud and can be played through Real Player (the last sentence gets cut off but it is the full speech).
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. "I Am a Drum Major for Justice"
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