
Living Green Tips


Free Resource (#355) - July 23rd, 2007
Today's Resource of the Day

Living Green Podcast: Effortless Ecology for Everyday People

In this podcast brought to you by Personal Life Media, host Meredith Medland interviews guests who are practicing and preaching eco-friendly ways of living. Shows cover healthy eating, eco-conscious entrepreneurialism, enviromentally-friendly shopping, energy conservation, and more. Listen to interviews with the founder of the Burning Man festival Larry Harvey, American mycologist Paul Stamets, and visionary green event planner Sarah Haynes, among many others. Enjoy this podcasts from Personal Life Media!

Living Green Podcast

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Is it possible to eat what you want and remain healthy, happy, and energetic? In The Beginner's Guide to Healthy Eating, Dr. Andrew Weil - America's most trusted natural health physician - teaches the essentials of how to eat for optimum health and pleasure, distilled into one information-packed and easy-to-absorb audio course.

Available on MP3 download.

Listen to a free sample of: The Beginner's Guide to Healthy Eating

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