
Listen to James Allen's Heavenly Life


Free Resource (#863) - July 24th, 2009
Today's Free Resource

The Heavenly Life

Listen to James Allen's The Heavenly Life, a spiritual self-help book from the author of the famous work As A Man Thinketh. This audio book explores similar topics, focusing on man's ability to awaken the divine within.

Chapters included are:
# The Divine Center
# The Eternal Now
# The Original Simplicity
# The Unfailing Wisdom
# The Might of Meekness
# The Righteous Man
# Perfect Love
# Perfect Freedom
# Greatness and Goodness

Download this free audio book on MP3, offered by LibriVox.org and narrated well by volunteer Gabriel.

The Heavenly Life

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Available on MP3 Download.

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Elsewhere on LOL: Law of Attraction Teachers

At LearnOutLoud.com we feature audio downloads from many of the teachers in the film The Secret, so we've written up an article about the titles on LearnOutLoud that further explore The Secret:

The Secret & The Laws of Attraction Teachers Article

One of the key ideas in the film is the Law of Attraction which is discussed in the movie by the best-known contemporary proponent of the idea: Esther Hicks. We feature a number of audio downloads by Esther Hicks and her husband Jerry Hicks, which further explore the Law of Attraction.

We also feature downloads from other teachers prominently featured in the film, including spiritual teacher Michael Beckwith, physicist Fred Alan Wolf, and more. Check out all The Secret teachers here.

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