
Life of Confucius Video


Free Resource (#771) - March 17th, 2009
Today's Free Resource

Ann-Ping Chin: The Authentic Confucius

Watch this free video from the Asia Society featuring author Ann-Ping Chin discussing her book The Authentic Confucius: A Life of Thought and Politics. She tries to present a more human view of this religious and philosophical leader. Her research covered everything from The Analects of Confucius to modern archaeological discoveries of texts referencing Confucius. She relates many stories about Confucius and discusses one important philosophical excerpt from The Analects which confronts the relative importance of the family and the state. This video can be viewed through FORA.tv.

Ann-Ping Chin: The Authentic Confucius

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The Confucian Analects

The Confucian Analects (literally translated as "discussion over Confucius' words") collects a record of the philosophy, discussions and day to day life of the great chinese scholar Confucius (551-479 BCE). Coming into existence during a particularly war-torn period in Chinese history know as the Spring and Autumn period, this text came about at a time of newfound literacy and burgeoning awareness in ancient Chinese thought. Probably written posthumously over a period of many years by his disciples, Confucious' main values of propriety, rightiousness, loyalty and filial piety are repeated throughout the book via various examples and conversations. This code of ethics has come to form the backdrop of Chinese conduct and is a core text in modern Chinese education.

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Dalai Lama Audio Downloads
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Dalai Lama Audio Downloads

LearnOutLoud.com is honored to be able to present everything available on audio from His Holiness the Dalai Lama. You may wish to start with "The Art Of Happiness", which mixes Buddhist tradition with common sense to illustrate how one can defeat feelings such as anger, anxiety, depression, and other destructive emotions. We also suggest "How To Practice: The Way To A Meaningful Life ", an accessible reference guide for life's hard decisions. It will teach ways of opening your heart, how to refrain from hurting others, how to retain mental wellness, and more. These teachings are divided into distinct steps and are designed for people of all faiths to learn from.

Finally there's "Advice On Dying", in which the stages of death are described so beautifully that we come to see death as the ultimate journey into transformation rather than an end. In this way the Dalai Lama shows us how to prepare for that time and, in doing so, how to enrich our time on earth, die without fear, and influence the stage between this life and the next so that we may gain the best possible incarnation. All of the books listed below share the common thread of His Holiness' excited spirit and sense of playful calm. LearnOutLoud.com's list of audio books by the Dalai Lama offer a new world of spiritual and mental awareness that will center your heart and prepare you not only for the day to day grind of the world, but also help you live a fuller, happier life.

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Dalai Lama Audio Downloads

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