Walking through the Storm: Living with Cancer
Almost all of us know - or are - cancer survivors. Here you will find an abundance of useful information designed to improve quality of life for anyone facing cancer or other health challenges. Serious illness is a physical threat and, often, an emotional storm. Hear physicians and other experts-- including patients-- explain the powerful mind/body connection and how it can be used to promote well-being, reduce stress and manage pain. You will also learn about relaxation techniques, anti-cancer nutrition, the role of humor, personal faith and other healthy practices.
As heard on National Public Radio (NPR) and Public Radio International (PRI), there are 4 one-hour programs in this series.
Two striking facts from the National Institutes of Health (NIH): • 42% of Americans are likely to get some form of cancer: • 65% of patients now survive the disease!
This trend highlights the importance of enhancing quality of life for survivors, as illustrated in Walking through the Storm. To complement traditional treatment, survivors are now flocking to hospital-based relaxation classes and support groups where extraordinary friendships bloom and psychic wounds are soothed. Many people turn to personal practices such as spirituality, journaling, cognitive techniques -- to reduce the "worry cycle" -- and humor! This integration of high-tech care with natural healing (Integrative Medicine) represents one of the most fascinating movements in medicine today.
In this series an extra dimension comes across while listening to the human voice express this subject. These sound-rich documentaries present leading experts as well as moving first-person accounts by survivors that will uplift anyone facing serious illness. Walking through the Storm can educate friends and family, helping them to understand the experience of their loved one.
This program features authors and experts such as Martin Rossman, Ann Webster, Donald Abrams, James Gordon, Annette Stanton, Herbert Benson, Andrew Weil, Michael States, David Spiegel, Malcolm Schultz, Rachel Naomi Remen, Robert Schimmel, Dr. Patrick Borgen, Marion Grodin, Dr. Lee Berk, Loretta LaRoche, Jonna Tamases, Hal Ackerman, Dr. Jeffrey Gurian, Margeret Stuber, Larry Dossey, Harold Koenig, Susan Gardin, Rev. Gwendolyn Collins, Rabbi Elimelech Goldberg, and others.
Available on MP3 Download.
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