In this lecture Professor Betsey Dexter Dyer provides an overview of the thousands of years in which humans have applied practical genetics in their daily life. Looking at the varieties of animal breeds and types of vegetables, she show how humans used trial and error and guessing to create new breeds and types of vegetables. Over the course of thousands of years many methods were used to create these varieties with no real knowledge of the genetics or DNA at work in these variations. New breeds were created not just for practical use but also for their aesthetic beauty as well. Professor Dyer also touches on the genetic variations in humans which have occurred over the millennia. Download this lecture exclusively from on MP3.
The Long History of Practical Genetics
Professor Betsey Dexter Dyer examines the wideranging field of genetics, which is the study of the hereditary information of organisms, how it is used, and how it is transferred through generations. These fascinating lectures also address DNA sequences and how they apply to “genetic engineering,” viruses, and genetic diseases such as cancers and birth defects. In addition to examining why people look and act the way they do, the course also considers the philosophical issues associated with such controversial topics as cloning and genetic ID cards.
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Basics of Genetics
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