
Helen Keller Tells Interesting Facts about Being Deafblind


Free Resource - June 18th, 2010
Today's Free Resource

The World I Live In

Hear about the world of author and activist Helen Keller in this second book she wrote in 1908 after her autobiography The Story of My Life. The essays in this book further explore how she perceives the world as a deafblind person. Chapters included are:

The Seeing Hand
The Hands of Others
The Hand of the Race
The Power of Touch
The Finer Vibrations
Smell, the Fallen Angel
Relative Values of the Senses
The Five-sensed World
Inward Visions
Analogies in Sense Perception
Before the Soul Dawn
The Larger Sanctions
The Dream World
Dreams and Reality
A Waking Dream

Enjoy this fascinating work on the life of Helen Keller. It is well read by Laura Caldwell at LibriVox and available on MP3 download.

The World I Live In

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