
Guy Finley on Letting Go


Free Resource (#580) - June 11th, 2008
Today's Free Resource

Letting Go with Guy Finley Podcast

From Contact Talk Radio comes the Letting Go with Guy Finley Podcast featuring hour-long talks with speaker and best-selling author Guy Finley. Guy Finley currently has the #1 bestselling book on Amazon.com: The Essential Laws of Fearless Living. In the podcasts Finley is focusing on spiritual and emotional development, and he touches on issues which affect us all: relationships, fear, addiction, stress/anxiety, peace, happiness, and freedom. Listen to over fifty podcasts from Guy Finley on the Letting Go with Guy Finley Podcast.

Letting Go with Guy Finley Podcast

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Guy Finley Author Page

Guy Finley's encouraging and accessible message is one of the true bright lights in our world today. His ideas cut straight to the heart of our most pressing personal and social issues (relationships, fear, addiction, stress/anxiety, peace, happiness, freedom) and lead the way to a higher life.

Guy is the best-selling author of The Secret of Letting Go and more than 30 other books and audio albums that have sold over a million copies in 15 languages worldwide.

In addition, he has presented over 1,000 unique self-realization seminars to thousands of grateful students throughout North America and Europe over the past 20 years.

All titles available on MP3 Download.

Listen to free samples on the: Guy Finley Author Page

Goals, Success, & Motivation
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We've added a lot of new titles that will help to motivate you and keep you focused in 2011. Recently we added to our download catalog over 200 new audio downloads from Gildan Media, a leading publisher in the area of personal & professional development:

Gildan Media Downloads

Many of their programs feature bestselling authors and established personal growth speakers teaching about skills in all areas of self development. We'll start off in this section with some of the best audio programs covering goals, success, & motivation:

Goals, Success, & Motivation:

Man's Search for Ultimate Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl

Ask and You Will Succeed by Ken D. Foster

Get Off Your 'But': How to End Self-Sabotage and Stand Up for Yourself by Sean Stephenson

Flight Plan: The Real Secret of Success by Brian Tracy

The Highest Goal by Michael Ray

Making Your Dreams Come True by Marcia Wieder

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck

Never Give Up: My Stroke, My Recovery, & My Return to the NFL by Tedy Bruschi

Simpleology: The Simple Science of Getting What You Want by Mark Joyner

There's Always a Way by Tony Little

The Think Big Manifesto by Michael Port

This Year I Will: How to Finally Change a Habit, Keep a Resolution, or Make a Dream Come True by M.J. Ryan

You Can Still Win! by Andre Taylor

We also now feature numerous motivational downloads from bestselling author Dr. Joe Vitale who was featured prominently in the movie The Secret:

The Attractor Factor

Expect Miracles

The Seven Lost Secrets of Success

The Solution

Mind, Body, & Emotional Growth

Do you want to achieve a balance of mental and physical health? Do you want to break through emotions that are setting you back? We've added a number of new titles that relate to growth in your mind/body health along with growing in your emotional power. Use these titles to get on the right track in all aspects of your being:

Mind, Body, & Emotional Growth:

Beyond the Secret by Lisa Love

Fire Your Therapist by Joe Siegler

Getting Unstuck: How Dead Ends Become New Paths by Timothy Butler

The Law of Attraction, Plain and Simple by Sonia Ricotti

Laws of Lifetime Growth by Dan Sullivan & Catherine Nomura

Live Your Joy by Bonnie St. John

Minding the Body, Mending the Mind by Joan Borysenko

Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by John J. Ratey

Transitions: Making Sense of Life's Changes by William Bridges

Weight Loss Forever! by Linda Gabriel

You also may want to check out the Eflexx (Emotional Flexibility) Series by Life Coach Mike Angulo:

The Eflexx Empowerment Meditation

The Eflexx Awareness Meditation: Dissolve Stress

The Eflexx Sound Meditation

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email: emagazine@learnoutloud.com
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