
Great Recommendations for Physical Activity


Free Resource (#681) - November 3rd, 2008
Today's Free Resource

Nutrition and Physical Activity for a Lifetime

Start your week off with some sound health advice from professor Christina Economos of Tufts University as she delivers this hour-long lecture at the Chautauqua Institution. First she addresses some of the health issues facing the United States focusing primarily on obesity and the improper balance of bone, muscle, and fat as people age. She then talks about actions individuals can take in regards to their nutrition and physical activity that can lead to dramatic improvements in all areas of one's health. Professor Economos references many studies and provides specific recommendations for the human body's need of exercise and nutrition. She recommends strength training, fruits & vegetables, and many other natural ways for people to live healthy into old age. This lecture is available on streaming video from FORA.tv.

Nutrition and Physical Activity for a Lifetime

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