Marianne Williamson Audio Programs
Biography Marianne Williamson is one of the most influential spiritual, philosophical, and political trailblazers of our time. Born in Houston Texas in 1952, Williamson grew up in the prototypical 50's setting. Her Father, a lawyer, was the breadwinner of the family as her mother stayed at home to raise the children. Upon reaching adulthood, Williamson moved to Los Angeles California, where she worked as a waitress and singer. However, it wasn't until she discovered the controversial spiritual text book A Course in Miracles, that she found her true calling as a spiritual leader in the "New Thought" movement.
Williamson has since become a huge proponent of A Course in Miracles, claiming it's value as a sort of spiritual psychotherapy for thirsty souls. Williamson's message took hold quickly in the 1980's, attracting a massive following and a successful series of audio book lectures, of which most are featured below. In fact, one distinction Williamson has is that her audio lectures actually predate her best-selling books.
Williamson's visibility has only grown over the past 10 years; she is a regular fixture on various TV News Outlets, and has been featured prominently on programming for PBS. Additionally, she is heavily involved in charitable organizations, and has most recently made news in the political sphere. With Co-Leader Dennis Kucinich, Williamson has led the United States Department of Peace movement. This grass-roots political movement is trying to create a Cabinet-level position for a "Secretary of Peace". The basic idea behind this proposed position is to place someone in government that is devoted solely to coming up with peaceful alternatives to potential conflicts that happen internationally and domestically. Williamson currently resides in Warren, Michigan where she works as a Minister for the Church of Today, which is one of the fastest growing "New Thought" Churches in the United States.
We Recommend
To begin with Marianne Williamson, one can do no better than picking up the audio book version of A Return To Love. This mega-seller features Williamson's most concise thoughts on A Course in Miracles, and how one can apply love to every aspect of their lives. Whether you are feeling pain over your career, health, or relationships, Williamson argues that love is the force that can make your life harmonious. If there's one audio book you listen to by Williamson, this one has to be it. Next you'll want to hear one of Williamson's lectures, and thankfully, the publisher BetterListen has released an extensive set of her seminars, recorded live. For a good primer, we suggest The Sacred Self Workshop, in which Williamson helps listeners open to greater love, abundance and joy in their lives. Finally there's Marianne's bestselling audio book, A Course in Weight Loss: 21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever. Here Williamson presents a spiritual method to healing addictions and she teaches how to retrain your consciousness in the area of weight in order to break the cycle of overeating, dieting, and shame that rules so many lives.
Whether you are new to her concepts, or want to see if you can find more from her insights, has compiled one of the most extensive listings of Marianne Williamson Audio Books for your convenience. Find the spiritual guidance you've been looking tirelessly for, and benefit from the brilliant work of one of the world's most inspiring spiritual leaders.
Marianne Williamson Audio Programs