
Free Lecture on the Speech Act Theory


Free Resource - June 29th 2010
Today's Free Resource

How Words Can Change Reality

This is the first lecture from the Modern Scholar course A Way with Words, Part I: Writing Rhetoric and the Art of Persuasion taught by Professor Michael Drout.

In this lecture Professor Michael Drout introduces rhetoric through the Speech-Act Theory outlined in John L. Austin's influential work How to Do Things With Words in which Austin posits the locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary speech acts. Professor Drout provides examples of how these speech acts are used in everyday life to influence reality. He also shows how people misuse these speech acts to get what they want such as when politicians make promises about things they don't have any control over. It's an introduction to the world of rhetoric.

How Words Can Change Reality

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A Way with Words, Part I: Writing Rhetoric and the Art of Persuasion

In A Way with Words: Writing, Rhetoric, and the Art of Persuasion, esteemed professor Michael D.C. Drout brings his expertise in literary studies to the subject of rhetoric. From history-altering political speeches to friendly debates at cocktail parties, rhetoric holds the power to change opinions, spark new thoughts, and ultimately change the world. The study of rhetoric not only leads to a greater understanding of how personages such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Winston Churchill elevated the power of speech to majestic heights, but also to a stronger proficiency in using rhetoric in anyone's day-to-day life. Professor Drout examines the types of rhetoric and their effects, the structure of effective arguments, and how subtleties of language can be employed to engage in more successful rhetoric. Drout also ponders the role of rhetoric in our world and the ageold question of whether it is just a tool for convincing people of things that aren't true, or whether it is indeed a force for good that will ultimately lead to truth.

Available on Audio Download.

Listen to a free sample of: A Way with Words, Part I: Writing Rhetoric and the Art of Persuasion

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