Download Pimsleur Language Courses is very excited to announce that for the first time ever you can download Pimlseur's comprehensive language learning courses on MP3 audio download. We are now offering over 30 of their comprehensive Pimsleur courses in their ten most popular languages: Spanish, French, Italian, German, Arabic (Eastern), Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Hebrew, and Farsi. Each language has three phases designed to take you from beginner to fluent speaker.
The Pimsleur Method, developed by Dr. Paul Pimsleur, is much more than a simple listen & repeat language learning process. Dr. Pimsleur developed a method of language learning which continually reintegrates all that you've learned so you must draw from your memory at regular intervals to actively retain the language. In each lesson you actually converse out loud with speakers of the language as they aid you in what to say and teach you new vocabulary.
The comprehensive courses feature thirty 30-minute lessons along with a reading booklet and one hour of audio reading lessons for a total of 16 hours of language learning on audio. In just 30 minutes a day you'll go from being a beginner to a proficient speaker of the language in about a month. And as you progress up each up each level you will become a fluent speaker mastering pronunciation, accent, and even cultural knowledge.
Browse all of the Pimsleur courses we currently have to offer. Each course includes a sample of the first unit of the course:
Browse 30 Pimsleur Language Learning Courses
And here are all the courses divided up by languages:
Eastern Arabic Comprehensive Courses:
Arabic - Eastern I
Arabic - Eastern II
Arabic - Eastern III
Mandarin Chinese Comprehensive Courses:
Chinese - Mandarin I
Chinese - Mandarin II
Chinese - Mandarin III
Farsi Comprehensive Course:
Farsi - Persian
French Comprehensive Courses:
French I
French II
French III
French Plus
German Comprehensive Courses:
German I
German II
German III
German Plus
Modern Hebrew Comprehensive Courses:
Hebrew - Modern I
Hebrew - Modern II
Hebrew - Modern III
Italian Comprehensive Courses:
Italian I
Italian II
Italian III
Italian Plus
Japanese Comprehensive Courses:
Japanese I
Japanese II
Japanese III
Russian Comprehensive Courses:
Russian I
Russian II
Russian III
Spanish Comprehensive Courses:
Spanish I
Spanish II
Spanish III
Spanish Plus
Start learning a new language today!
Download Pimsleur Language Programs