
Free Lecture on What Was the Enlightenment?


Free Resource - August 31st, 2010
Today's Free Resource

What Was the Enlightenment?

In this lecture Professor James Schmidt talks about what Immanuel Kant called "man's emergence from his self-imposed immaturity". The Age of Enlightenment began the elevation of science and reason in Western civilization. It was an era where great thinkers began to think for themselves and question the absolute rule of religious and political authorities. Professor Schmidt talks briefly about many of the key figures of the Enlightenment including Denis Diderot, Isaac Newton, Immanuel Kant, Adam Smith, and Voltaire, and he talks about where the ideas of the Enlightenment prospered primarily in England, Germany, and France. This free lecture is available to download exclusively through LearnOutLoud.com on MP3.

What Was the Enlightenment?

Along with this lecture, check out: 10 Free Introductory College Lectures to Download

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Download Pimsleur Language Courses

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The comprehensive courses feature thirty 30-minute lessons along with a reading booklet and one hour of audio reading lessons for a total of 16 hours of language learning on audio. In just 30 minutes a day you'll go from being a beginner to a proficient speaker of the language in about a month. And as you progress up each up each level you will become a fluent speaker mastering pronunciation, accent, and even cultural knowledge.

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Browse 30 Pimsleur Language Learning Courses

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Arabic - Eastern II
Arabic - Eastern III

Mandarin Chinese Comprehensive Courses:
Chinese - Mandarin I
Chinese - Mandarin II
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Farsi Comprehensive Course:
Farsi - Persian

French Comprehensive Courses:
French I
French II
French III
French Plus

German Comprehensive Courses:
German I
German II
German III
German Plus

Modern Hebrew Comprehensive Courses:
Hebrew - Modern I
Hebrew - Modern II
Hebrew - Modern III

Italian Comprehensive Courses:
Italian I
Italian II
Italian III
Italian Plus

Japanese Comprehensive Courses:
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Japanese II
Japanese III

Russian Comprehensive Courses:
Russian I
Russian II
Russian III

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More Audio Courses
It's back-to-school time and a great time to learn about something new with audio courses from Modern Scholar!

Looking for an audio course to listen to? Download over 120 courses on audio from the Modern Scholar series featuring great university professors teaching college-level courses on a variety of subjects:

Browse Over 120 Audio Courses from the Modern Scholar Series

You can browse audio courses by subject by clicking the following links featuring philosophy courses, history courses, literature courses, politics courses, business courses, religion courses, science courses & more.

To help introduce you to the magnificent Modern Scholar audio courses, we're offering these ten free course lectures to download from ten of their best audio courses. These recorded lectures are taught by eminent university professors. Here are the 10 lectures you can download right now on MP3:

Ten Free Lectures on LearnOutLoud.com

Ten More Free Lectures on LearnOutLoud.com

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