
Elizabeth Gilbert on Creativity


Free Resource (#955) - Dec. 7th, 2009
Today's Free Resource

Elizabeth Gilbert: A Different Way to Think About Creative Genius

Eat, Pray, Love author Elizabeth Gilbert examines the way society looks at artists and the way artists look at themselves in this TED talk. She feels that the creative people should view their work as channeling God's creative gift to them rather than as their own personal creative genius. And she hopes such a shift might prevent some of the madness and self-destruction that occurs in so many of our modern artists. This talk is available on streaming video and MP3 download from the TED.com website.

Elizabeth Gilbert: A Different Way to Think About Creative Genius

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Everyone is capable of creativity - not just the chosen few. In this inspiring audio Julia Cameron offers new insights about her landmark bestseller, The Artist's Way, which taught thousands of people to unlock their creative potential. Cameron presents a series of simple exercises that will instill the creativity "habit" and dispel the "anti-art" conditioning that prevents so many of us from achieving our deepest ambitions. She shows us how to explore the divine gift of our own creativity, use our imagination's unlimited capacity for transformation, and reap the benefits of creativity's life-changing power. This practical, inspirational guide from an award-winning author also includes an informative live lecture and a studio question-and-answer session.

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Sounds True
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Browse Our Top 100 Audio Books from 2009

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