
Eckhart Tolle & Oprah Discuss A New Earth


Free Resource (#510) - March 5th, 2008
Today's Resource of the Day

Oprah and Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth Online Class Podcast

Over the next ten weeks Oprah Winfrey and Eckhart Tolle are teaching an online class covering Tolle's book which was featured in Oprah's Book Club A New Earth. These classes are being webcasted on Oprah.com and they're being offered as a free podcast on both audio & video.

Oprah and Tolle also field questions from viewers through the internet call service Skype. Questions in this session address reconciling religious beliefs with new age spirituality, and both Oprah and Tolle provide their feelings on the matter. Subscribe to this unique class offered for free by Eckhart Tolle and Oprah Winfrey.

Oprah and Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth Online Class Podcast

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Eckhart Tolle Author Page

Eckhart Tolle has become quite visible as one of the most gifted and inspiring spiritual teachers of the early 21st century. Born in Germany, Tolle spent the first 13 years of his life there and then left for England, graduating from the University of London. After graduation, while working as a research scholar, Tolle experienced a profound spiritual transformation. This was such an intense experience that Tolle claims the man he once was is nearly unrecognizable to himself today.

In the following years, Tolle devoted his life to a rigorous inward journey. This led to work with individuals and small groups as a counselor and eventually to the spiritual teacher he is today. Tolle's simple yet profound teachings have helped thousands of people find an inner sense of peace and greater fulfillment in their lives. What Eckhart Tolle hopes his teachings will accomplish is a spiritual awakening on a global scale.

Page includes resources of Eckhart Tolle audio books, MP3 downloads, and podcasts.

Listen to a free samples on the: Eckhart Tolle Author Page

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EnlightenmentNext Audio Downloads

EnlightenmentNext (formerly What is Enlightenment?) is a spiritual magazine and online media broadcasting service offering MP3 downloads as well as streaming online audio and video of leading speakers that talk about the evolving world of spirituality, psychology, religion, politics, science, and other topics. WIE’s broadcast directory includes more than 100 downloadable media files searchable by subject, date, or speaker. WIE also produces the "What Is Enlightentment?" magazine which comes out 4 times a year, and they orchestrate a live international speaker’s forum called “Voices from the Edge”, featuring interviews and discussions with a variety of leaders and visionaries.

LearnOutLoud.com is pleased to be offering many of their interviews available for sale for the first time on a la carte as MP3 audio downloads.

EnlightenmentNext Audio Downloads

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