Free Resource - May 13th, 2010 |
Today's Free Resource
Douglas Adams: Parrots, the Universe, and Everything
Immerse yourself into the mind of Douglas Adams. The author The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy graced the world with one final appearance just days before his tragic death from a heart attack on May 11, 2001. Delivered at the University of California, Santa Barbara, Adams discusses his own personal favorite of his books Last Chance to See about his travels to faraway lands to see firsthand many endangered animal species such as the Aye-aye lemur of Madagascar, the Komodo dragon on the island of Komodo in Indonesia, and the Yangtze River Dolphin in China. With his own hilarious insights he describes these animals and his wild travels to observe them. He ends the talk by urging humanity to envision their place in the world in a way that can sustain all species including humans. This talk is available through YouTube on streaming video and video download.
Douglas Adams: Parrots, the Universe, and Everything
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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Primary Phase
A Special Edition of the original radio series The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, first broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1978 and recently voted the Nation's Favourite Audiobook in a Guardian poll. Starring Peter Jones, Simon Jones, Geoffrey McGivern, Mark Wing-Davey, Susan Sheridan and Stephen Moore, these six episodes (Fit the First to Fit the Sixth) have been remastered to modern-day standards by Dirk Maggs, and for the first time feature Philip Pope's arrangement of the familiar theme tune, with newly recorded announcements by John Marsh.
Also included on this Special Edition is Douglas Adams's Guide to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, first broadcast in 1999, which looks at the genesis and phenomenal success of the series.
Available on MP3 Download.
Listen to a free sample of: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Primary Phase
Download Audio Books by Douglas Adams
Download Audio Books by Douglas Adams
Born in Cambridge in 1952, Douglas Adams is the beloved creator of The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy and its various incarnations as books, audio progams, radio plays, and most recently a movie. Hitchhiker's phenomenal, award-winning success led to a series of sequels, most of which having been adapted successfully into other mediums in their own right. Known for his incisive wit, and a particularly absurdist sense of humor, Adams has culled a massive audience of devoted followers over the years.
Unforunately Adams passed away in 2001, but his fanbase and their devotion has only grown since then, and shows no sign of ending anytime soon. LearnOutLoud.com is happy to present Adam's work on audio (most of which is read by the author) with the hope that you will find the same joy that millions of people have derived from Adams' work over the last 25 years. So come aboard, have some fun and always remember: Don't Panic!
Download Audio Books by Douglas Adams
Astronomy Audio
Are you curious about the billions of galaxies swirling around throughout the universe? Interested in gaining a better understanding of astronomy? The LearnOutLoud.com 'Astronomy' section includes a variety of audio programs to satisfy your curiosity about everything from extraterrestrials and the universe to what's new with NASA and famous astronomers. Listeners can browse through a variety of courses, podcasts
and audio books to find titles like Astronomy I: Earth, Sky and Planets, a manageable, 14 lecture course that covers the Earth and the other planets in our Solar System. Astronomy: The Heavenly Challenge, provides a brief history of the science of astronomy.
Other titles include A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson. The author covers everything from paleontology and particle physics to chemistry and astronomy in a humorous and down-to-earth manner. There are also a variety of audio books available by Timothy Ferris, science writer and author of 11 books including Life Beyond Earth. Stephen Hawking is the theoretical physicist and author of the classic, A Brief History of Time and his updated and more accessible version of the classic A Briefer History of Time.
Be sure to check out our selection of Astronomy podcasts including Slacker Astronomy Podcast featuring current events in astronomy hosted by gen xy astronomy buffs or Science@Nasa Podcast. This weekly Podcast aims to give the general public a better understanding of NASA Research and various other science topics. Check out all of the NASA Podcasts.
Whether you're searching for NASA audio, you want to learn about the galaxy and the universe or you're looking for specifics like an introduction to astronomy — LearnOutLoud.com features many possibilities for you to explore.
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