
Debate on the Millennials Generation


Free Resource (#754) - February 19th, 2009
Today's Free Resource

The Millennials

In this debate hosted by Book TV, authors Mark Bauerlein and Neil Howe argue over what the future may hold for the newest generation of young adults. These "Millennials" as they've come to be called will inherit a world where access to information has accelerated everything, possibly to the detriment of personal development. Bauerlein offers a hard portrait of an under-educated generation numbed by digital input while Howe optimistically counters this assessment by giving examples of how kids have developed a more modulated approach to learning thanks to new technological avenues. This debate is available on streaming video through the BookTV website.

The Millennials

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Bill Bryson Audio Books

Bill Bryson was born in Des Moines, Iowa, in 1951. He is the best selling author of several humorous and informative books on travel, as well as books on the english language and scientific subjects. While backpacking in England in 1973, Bryson met his wife and settled there. For the next 20 years, he worked in a mental hospital, as a copy editor, as a journalist and finally he became the travel story author we know today.

His books have been embraced enthusiastically as funny, well written guides to such disparate locales as Australia, Africa, Europe and the rural Midwest of the U.S. Bryson is also a well regarded writer on the subject of languages, publishing guides on word usage and dictionaries. When it comes to his audio books (most of which he reads himself) be prepared for a great time as Bryson guides you through some of the most interesting places in the world.

Bill Bryson Audio Books

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