
Dare to Live Without Limits


Free Resource (#508) - March 3rd, 2008
Today's Resource of the Day

Dare to Live Without Limits: The 10 Basic Principles

Bryan Golden, author of the book Dare to Live Without Limits, offers his ten basic principles for living a limitless life. These principles are:

  • You are what you think about
  • Set goals
  • Plan how to reach your goals
  • All we have is today
  • Never ever give up
  • Education never ends
  • Control your own emotions
  • Guard your time
  • Have an attitude of gratitude
  • What you project you receive In this 15 minute MP3 download, Golden provides the detailed advice and motivation about these ten principles. It's a great listen to start the week. This title was created and offered for free through our TeachOutLoud service. For more information about the book Dare to Live Without Limits visit www.DareToLiveWithoutLimits.com.

    Dare to Live Without Limits: The 10 Basic Principles

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