
Carol Coletta's Smart City Radio


Free Resource (#550) - April 30th, 2008
Today's Resource of the Day

Smart City with Carol Coletta Podcast

The Smart City Podcast is a weekly, hour-long public radio talk show that takes an in-depth look at urban life and the people, places, ideas and trends shaping cities. In each podcast host Carol Coletta talks with a few guests that influence particular aspects of city life. In recent podcasts she talks with Seattle mayor Greg Nickels about how his city is leading the way in sustainability in regards to climate change, with author Chris Kelly who wrote Megacommunities: How Leaders of Government, Business and Non-Profits Can Tackle Today's Global Challenges Together, with global arts leader Johann Zietsman who is currently the executive director of the Mesa Arts Center in Mesa, Arizona, and with many other urban leaders. Learn more about the driving forces behind our cities with the Smart City Podcast.

Smart City with Carol Coletta Podcast

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A History of Rome

Part 1 presents the personalities that dominated the struggle for power in ancient rome. Figures that have become legendary come alive: From Julius Caesar, to Brutus, Seneca, Mark Antony, Cleopatra, Caesar Augustus, Nero and Caligula.

Part 2 gives us a glimpse into the lives of everyday romans, from slaves to aristocrats. Meets the poets, statesman, slaves and craftsmen of antiquity.

Part 3 explores what life was like in the most famous and powerful army of all time: the roman legion.

Part 4 is an exacting glimpse into the leisure activities of patricians and plebians alike. The listener is swept off to chariot races in the circus maximus, gladiatorial bouts in the coliseum, and cleverly crafted spectacles of the stage.

Available on MP3 Downloads.

Listen to a free sample of: A History of Rome

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