
Carl Honore Says Slow Down


Free Resource (#394) - Sept. 17th, 2007
Today's Resource of the Day

In Praise of Slowness: Changing the Cult of Speed

This week take a moment to slow down. At LearnOutLoud.com we must confess that we are quite addicted to speed. Audio learning itself is a form of multi-tasking which allows us to never slow down. But it's good to recognize and question this aspect of our hurried life styles, which author Carl Honore does in this lecture offered through the Cambridge forum.

He contrasts the speed at which Americans go versus other cultures around the world, and focuses on what can be lost in a culture addicted to going faster. This lecture is offered online from the WGBH Forum Network and is available on streaming audio and video as well as MP3 download.

In Praise of Slowness: Changing the Cult of Speed

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