Human Media Downloads is pleased to welcome the programs of into our expanding download catalog. Human Media is an independent public broadcasting production house which has created over 700 productions covering themes such as human values, personal growth and recovery, ethics, preventive and natural medicine, and much more. We are starting by offering 14 of their most popular programs. You can browse them all here:
Human Media Downloads
And here are some the most popular series created by which we now offer on audio download:
Walking through the Storm - 4 1/2 hour series featuring doctors and other experts explaining strategies for cancer prevention and survival.
Thinking About Drinking - 6 hour series based on more than 150 interviews with experts in treatment and prevention.
Kindred Spirits Volume 1: Inner Paths - 6 hour series featuring remarkable people from all walks of life who tell how universal wisdom and personal faith help them lead positive, satisfying lives. This volume features His Holiness the Dalai Lama, photographer/author Jane English, and Prof. Jacob Needleman, among others.
Inner Calm - 3 hour series featuring truly inspiring and practical suggestions for managing the effects of daily stress. This series features authors David Allen, Loretta LaRoche, and Harvard Medical Professor Dr. Herbert Benson, among others.
Amazing Women - Stories of women who inspire all featuring Mae Bertha Carter, Oral Lee Brown, and Doris Haddock, among others.
Sufi Wisdom Tales - Parables about life for children of all ages.
Enjoy these educational and inspiring audio programs created by