
Authentic Happiness Summary on Free Audio


Free Resource (#923) - October 19th, 2009
Today's Free Resource

Zaadz Notes: Authentic Happiness

Did you know that there is a science of happiness? Martin Seligman has written a book on the subject and in this short audio title Brian Johnson, CEO of PhilosophersNotes.com. distills Seligman's wisdom. If you want to be happier (and who doesn't?!) you'll definitely want to give this one a listen. It is available on MP3 download directly through LearnOutLoud.com.

Zaadz Notes: Authentic Happiness

If You Like This Title You Might Also Like...

Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment

In "Authentic Happiness," the bestselling author of "Learned Optimism" introduces the revolutionary, scientifically based idea of "Positive Psychology." Positive Psychology focuses on strengths rather than weaknesses, asserting that happiness is not the result of good genes or luck. Happiness can be cultivated by identyfying and using many of the strengths and traits that listeners already possess -- including kindness, originality, humor, optimism, and generosity. By frequently calling upon their "signature strengths," listeners will develop natural buffers against misfortune and the experience of negative emotion -- elevating their lives to a fresh, more positive place.

Drawning on groundbreaking psychological research, Seligman shows how Positive Psychology is shifting the profession's paradigm away from its narrow-minded focus on pathology, victimology, and mental illness to positive emotion, virtue and strength, and positive institutions. Our signature strengths can be nurtured throughout our lives, yielding benefits to our health, relationships, and careers.

Available on MP3 Download.

Listen to a free sample of: Authentic Happiness

       Featured Provider  

LearnOutLoud.com is pleased to be offering audio downloads from PhilosophersNotes.com. This website features titles that cover the Big Ideas of the best self-development books in less than half an hour of reading/listening a week.

Downloads of the Philosopher's Notes

The PhilosophersNotes are written and read by Brian Johnson, the philosopher & CEO behind eteamz.com, thinkArete.com, and Zaadz.com (now Gaia.com). Brian has distilled the Big Ideas and "concentrated" the wisdom from dozens of the top self-development books including:

Philosopher's Notes: Man's Search for Meaning
Philosopher's Notes: Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Philosopher's Notes: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Philosopher's Notes: The Power of Intention

These a la carte downloads are available exclusively through LearnOutLoud.com on MP3 download with a supplemental PDF of the material.

Downloads of the Philosopher's Notes

If you want some free samples of the PhilosophersNotes or you're interested in subscribing to receive access to all the PhilosophersNotes please visit PhilosophersNotes.com.

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