
Aubrey de Grey Wants Us to Live Forever


Free Resource (#672) - October 21st, 2008
Today's Free Resource

Immortality Institute: Anti-Aging

Want to live forever? The Immortality Institute is seeking "to conquer the blight of involuntary death." In this lecture from their conference, gerontologist Aubrey de Grey describes methods of regenerative therapies which he predicts will overcome aging. It's an interesting lecture available on streaming video and video download from Google Video.

Immortality Institute: Anti-Aging

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Healthy Aging: A Lifelong Guide to Your Physical and Spiritual Well-Being

Dr. Andrew Weil has been an authoritative and companionable guide through a uniquely effective combination of traditional and nontraditional approaches to health and healthy living. Now he gives us a book about aging that is unlike any other in the breadth and depth of its information and understanding. Hugely informative, practical, and uplifting, it is infused with the engaging candor and common sense that have been the hallmarks of all his books.

At the heart of Healthy Aging is Dr. Weil's belief that although aging is an irreversible process, there are myriad things we can do to keep our minds and bodies in good working order through all phases of life. To that end, he draws on the new science of biogerentology (the biology of aging) as well as on the secrets of healthy longevity- diet, activity, and attitude-that he has gathered firsthand from cultures around the world.

Available on MP3 Download!

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John Selby Audio Downloads

John Selby is a psychologist, life coach and spiritual consultant who has developed a number of new techniques for consciousness management and short-form meditation. He is the author of over two dozen books with half a million copies in print. His current focus is delivering his new mind-management methods via experiential-audio guidance on the web, at http://johnselby.com. At sixty, he is actively teaching and producing new online programs, and also expanding into cell-phone delivery of his short-form meditation and at-work programs. His new books, TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR MIND and EMPATHY ON DEMAND, aimed at the business community, follow his psychological QUIET YOUR MIND and spiritual SEVEN MASTERS, ONE PATH texts. He lives in Hawaii and teaches extensively in the States and Europe.

John Selby Audio Downloads

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